HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-17-1980-Land Development CommitteeLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES ..TIME: Thursday, January 173, 1980 - 9:00 a. R. PLACE: Crisp Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA TYPE: Regular Meeting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 -7- 7 -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I. - KUU,11Ah ORGANIZATION A. Roll Call --.Committee members present: Staff members present,: R. S. Shook,, R. S. Robinson, Jr'. and Commissioner-.Laden, K.. Kerdus,, D. Wimberly and D. Trinidad B:. minutes was moved and seconded to waive the reading of the minutes of January 3, 1980.and approve as distributed. The motion was carried unanimously. II. CONSENT CALENDAR = NEGATIVEiDECLARATIONS X. SDR-1425 Church of J.C..of L,.D.S.,, Allendale and Camino Barco,, Tentative Building Site Approval 2 Lo'ts;.Continued from '1'2/2'0/7'9 meet'inR B. $DR-1443.- Charles Reed, Quito.Road, Tentative Building Site Approval 2 Lots It was mov0dand s.econded*to.approve-the Above.two -items on the Consent Calendar.- The motion was carried unanimously. III. SINGLE SITE APPROVAL PER ORDINANCE NO. 60.05 A. SDR-1445 = Peter Noonan, :Pike' Road, Tentative Building Site Approval A Lot The LDC,.. reviewed, the, revi.s.'ed .map -pr&sented:by Mr. -Noonan. It showed a 90 degre.e switch of the garage, which caused less grading for the driveway. After-rev-iewing the Staff Report, it was moved and seconded -to approve �SDR-1445, per Staff Report dated December 314 1980 and Exhibit "B-2" dated January 14,,.1980.' The mot.ion.was carried unanimously. IV. PUBLIC .HEARINGS/SUBDIVISIONS A. SD -= 1425 Church-of J.C. of L.D.S., Allendale and Camino Barco, Tentative Building SiteApproval 2 Lots; Continued from 1.2/20­/­­79'meeting Staff reported that Parce:l.B.has 100 ft, of frontage as required by ordinance. The Gommit tee .al'&6 reco gnized -a letter from Dr. Henry, Which pointe'd,out the. potential problem'.,of the debris collector which needs cleaning. The public hearing was reopened at 9:18 a.m. Colonel Barco stated that Dr•. Henry had been misguided in his letter,, and that he.-,had noted.the back portion of the Henry land being, under wat.er• durin' at least one storm.. He questioned whether or 9. not the minimum- .access tbad:would remain. The Committee responded that-that .wa-s one.of the-items up.for consideration. Colonel Barco also noted that he had seen the creek flood up to 1 ft. above the base of the 5 ft. oak tree, which was cl:ose to the elevation of the Land-Development Commie Page 2 Meeting Minutes 1/17/80 SDR -1425 (cont.) proposed house. Then he noted that his house had been placed as far away from the creek as possible, and that the area was teeming with wildlife. He felt that the proper usage of the entre - parcel would be to split it the opposite way-,,placing house pads on the athletic field. However, given that the land was'to be divided as proposed, the house site shown was the best on the lot: He said that the athletic fie.l.d.wa�s not in accordance with the General`Pl-am.' .The-Committe.e explained that he could request the City to review the'use permit with respect to the amphi- theatre and the athletic field. Mrs. Thorkelson, of 19.155 Camino Barco, stated that she and her husband felt that they did not have the right to tell the church what to do with their land, but that they were very concerned about potential flooding, as their lot experiences from West Valley College. Mr. Shook explained that this development should not aggravate the situation; that the flooding would overtop the street before it touched the pro - posed house. It was then determined that the Thorkels.on drainage problem was'a_private matter between the Thorkelsons and West Valley College. Mrs. Laden noted that the proposed home site was not removing any trees and that it was located wisely on the potential lot. She also commented that the neighbors could have the Planning Commission reassess the use permit if the athletic field was a problem. Staff stated that the Public Works condition for a reimbursement agreement on the road would be sat- isfied when Mr. McVey confirmed that the matter was settled. The Committee moved and seconded to approve SDR- 1425.per Exhibit 'B -5" dated January 4, 198.0 and the Staff Report dated December 14, 1979, as revised January 16, 1980. The motion was carried unanimously. B. SDR -1443 - Charles Reed., Quito Road, Tentative Building Site Approval - 2 Lots Staff reported that a new exhibit had been submitted showing a revised driveway, with approvals from the new adjoining neighbors. Mrs. Laden questioned the need for the corridor going out to Quito Road from the site. She stated that she would be willing to approve the map in con- cept, but would like to see a new map removing the corridor presented. The public hearing was opened at 9:56 a.m. Charles Reed, the applicant, questioned Mrs. Laden as to what she wished removed. He then reviewed the Staff Report and indicated concern over condition V -C, in that it did not agree with condition II -C. The Committee revised condition V -C to read- that. the access road would be 18 ft. wide with 1 ft. shoulders, rather than 3 ft. shoulders, as called for by the Fire Protection District. Mr.-Reed then questioned condition II -N, requiring "additional conditions as to the improvement of Quito Road shall be as required by the Town of Los Gatos.", Staff stated that they had been in contact with the Town.of Los Gatos, and that no con- dition had been forthcoming from.the Planning Department; however, their Engineering Department might be interested in. widening the road. The Committee indicated that they were in favor of .leaving the condition-in as worded, and that Mr. Reed could contact the City of Los Gatos to find out what the condition might entail. The Committee moved and seconded to approve the tentative map in concept, but requested that a map be brought back showing the removal of the corridor to Quito Road. It was noted that this would give the applicant time to contact the Town of Los Gatos for their conditioning. The motion was carried unanimously. - 2 - Land Development CommitLee Meeting Minutes 1/17/80 V. MISCELLANEOUS Page 3 A. 23- 18- 59- 78S.- Ronald Cone, Mt. Eden.Road, Review of County Conditions'of`Tentat'ive :Building Site Approval prior to Annexation to'City of Saratoga - 2 Lots Staff reviewe& the report.on this J. -tem, noting that, per the Subdivision'Map-Act,'the City °had -the right to completely remove any tentative map that had been granted to the subject site. It was stated.that..when the -siie— annexed'to the City, it would have to meet any of the zoning requir.ements of the HCRD district. Additionally, the Committee indicated that this site should be treated similarly to other subdivisions in the area. Therefore, it was requested that Staff review the site for further conditioning prior to annexation proceedings with the Council. The Committee then discussed 'at length the road requirement for this site and the adjacent Mares site. It was determined that the City would write a letter to the winery, requesting the ability for the appli- cants to place a public road on their easement. Finally, the Committee requested a new map from the applicants' engineer, show- ing those areas over 400, the geological hazard areas, the site development plan, and the extent of grading . It was directed that this item be continued to the next meeting of February 7, 1980, assuming that the map had been submitted in time for the Staff to review. B. SDR- 1301 - Benjamin Yates (Horvath); Blue Gum Court, Request for Modification to Site Development Plan - 2 Lots Mr. Horvath discussed the proposed turnaround with the Committee. It was determined that a small car, let alone a fire engine, could not turn in the proposed driveway area. The LDC requested that a new map be submitted to them for their February 7, 1980 meeting. Mr. Horvath stated that he did not agree with the LDC continuance to the next meeting, since a great deal of time had already been taken in reviewing the building plans. He requested that Staff be allowed.to approve the plan.. It was directed that this item be continued to the February 7, 1980 meeting, at which time the LDC would review the map. C. SDR -1410 - Manny Gomez, Aloha Avenue, Tentative Building Site Approval - 2 Lots, Referral from City Council to Review Public Works Conditions The Committee reviewed the right -of -way required to allow only right turns, rather than the width required by ordinance. They agreed that, since the City was gaining from the situation, if the lot was just short of 20,000 sq. ft'., the map would still be found to be in conformance with the ordinance. A new tentative map was to be submitted in accordance with the discussion, showing a shorter cul - -de -sac and a narrower right -of -way. The pedestrian walkway along the wall on the Gomez site was to be retained. It was noted that any future problems ,on this site could be referred back to the LDC if Staff.or the applicant so desired. D. SDR -1347 - Anita Korts Bolin, Sobey Road,.Tentative Building Site Approval - 4 Lots.,',Request for a One -Year Extension The Committee reviewed the previous Staff Report, and moved and seconded to grant the one -year extension on SDR -1347. The motion was carried unanimously. VI ADJOURNMENT It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried unanimously.. KK:cd Kat y er s, Secretary