HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-21-1980-Land Development CommitteeLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
DATE: Thursday, February 21, 1980 9:00 a.m.
PLACE: City .Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present:
Staff Members Present:
B.° Minutes
R. S. Shook, R. S. Robinson,_and
Commissioner Laden
K. Kerdus, D. Trinidad, and
D. Wimberly
It was moved: and s;econded.. t.q. w'aive the :reading of the minutes
of February 7,' 1980.'and- approveas distributed. The motion.
was carried, with.Commissioner Laden abstaining since she was
not present at-the meeting.
A. SDR -144.9 - Steven Sundquist, Sobey and Ten'Acres, Tentative
Building Site Approval 1 Lot
The Committee reviewed the proposed site development plan and the
Staff Report. Staff stated that the Central Fire Protection
District had expressed .concern over the present fence on the
cul -de -sac; thus under Section III a condition had been added
that requires this applicant.to remove the barricade. The LDC
then discussed the relationship of the proposed house to the
existing terrain. It was felt that possibly design review
should be required for the site, and that the applicant be in-
formed that flatland homes were not appropriate for the hill-
sides. Since the applicant was not present for the discussion,
the LDC decided to continue the item to the next meeting and
requested that he bring in more specific information on the
grading proposed. It was directed that this item be continued
to March 6, 1980. .
A. SDR -1448 - Ronald Haas, Bainter and Austin Way., Tentative
Building Site Approval - 3 Lots
Staff explained that the applicant is requesting tentative map
approval for 3 lots.on a 3z acre parcel in the R -1- 40,000 zoning
district. The proposal involved the placement of two new resi-
dences on.the sites, as well as two tennis courts. Access for
two of the sites was proposed to be from Bainter Avenue. The
proposal would result in three two -story residences on three
lots with a under 10t slope, thereby not meeting ordinance
.requirements. Additionally coverage of the structures may exceed
ordinance requirements.
The public hearing was opened at 9:30 a.m.
Mel Wright, of Redbury Drive, expressed concern about the fragile
environment of .the.area, pointing to the normal erosion and loss
of trees that had happened with the recent storm and construction
of.the Lauer: project. Additionally he felt that, with two bridges,
the traffic would become congested and drainage problems may
- 1 -
-LDC Minutes - Meeting
of. 2/21/80
SDR -1448 (cont.)
Page 2
Mr. Ronald Haas, the applicant,'-stated.that he had looked at
the possibility of one bridge but had determined,that it would
not be the best utilization of the property.
Mrs. Merril, of Redbury Drive, questioned why the access needed
to be from Bainter rather than Austin. Mr. Shook stated that
he felt there was .a.possibility that.the access could be.off of
Austin Way'. Mr. Haas explained that, with the large trees and
the need for a tennis court, access from Austin could not be
accomplished. The Committee questioned the Santa Clara Valley
Water District condition and determined that some existing and
proposed structures could be allowed within the easement.
Wanda Alexander, of Ravine Road, stated that the area was the
basin of a hillside area, and thus an important part of the
watershed of Ravine. Road. She -felt that the proposed development
was not appropriate for the rural environment of the canyon.area.
Finally she asked.that•a geological report be done.prior to
tentative approval. After Commissioner Laden noted that the
Santa Clara Valley Water District had shown concern for the site,
Mrs. Alexander noted that the zoning nearby was for 20 acre sites,
and perhaps a more transitional area was needed. Mr. Robinson
then pointed out that the present proposal was consistent with
the General Plan and the zoning map. Mrs. Laden then suggested
that the developer needed to go back and redesign the lot with
specific concerns directed towards the number of two stories on
the parcel and their access.. Mr.. Shook requested.that the
County engineering services be :involved with connections to the
street system and their improvement.
Mr. Mel Wright, of Redbury Lane, requested that the LDC consider
the question of the guest house. Mr. Shook noted that the Com-
mittee had reacted to the 4,0.00 sq. ft.: :structure, expressing.
concern that it did not meet the intent of the Saratoga ordinance
allowing only one dwelling unit per lot.
Mrs. Merrill again expressed her displeasure.with the bridges
on Bainter. The LDC questioned Mr. Haas as to his intent to
build a greater number of two stories than ordinance allowed.
Mr. Haas stated that he would be.back to the,. LDC rather than
requesting an interpretation from the.Planning Commission. At
this point the LDC reminded Mr.. Haas that he was to strive for
access, off of Austin Way and reconsider the 4,000 sq. ft. guest
It was moved and seconded to deny SDR -1448 subject to a letter
of extension. The motion was carried unanimously.
A. 2.3- 18 -59- Ronald Cone, Mt. Eden Road, Review of County Conditions
78S of Tentative Building Site Approval prior to Annexa-
tion to City of Saratoga - 2 Lots; Cont. from 2/7/80
Since the requested revised map had not been received prior to
the meeting, it was directed that this item be continued to
March 6, 1980.