HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-22-1979-Land Development CommitteeDATE:
Thursday, March 22, 1979 - 9:00 a.m.
Crisp Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
Regular Meeting
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present: R. S. Shook, R. S. Robinson
Staff Members Present: Kathy Kerdus, D. Trinidad, D. Wimberly
B. Minutes
It was moved and seconded to waive the reading of the minutes of
March 1, 1979 and approve as distributed. The motion was carried
A. SDR -1409 - David Ritter, Bohlman Road and Belnap, Tentative Building
Site Approval - 1 Lot
The applicant and his land surveyor, Frank Lewis, were present for
the discussion of this item. The Committee discussed staff's con-
cerns with the lot -- access over the slide area, the pool located in
the slide area, lack of turnaround area for a fire engine, and
utilities located through the slide area. It was determined that the
Committee would make an on -site visit at 10:00 a.m. on April 2, 1979,
to review these concerns. It was directed that this item would be
continued to the regular meeting of April 5, 1979. Mr. Ritter
requested that the minutes of the LDC meeting in which staff had
stated that conditions would remain the same if he had to reapply be
available at the next meeting.
A. SDR -1393 - James and Sylvia Jean, Aspesi Drive, Tentative Building
Site Approval - 2 lots
The applicants were present, and Mr"s. Jean made a presentation
describing the uniqueness of the property which she felt justified
an exception to the Ordinance access requirements of 20 ft. to 15. ft.
The applicants also stated that they wished the Committee to dis-
regard Pepper Lane, since they did not have an easement to it. The
LDC expressed concern over setting a precedent, especially for hill-
side areas. It was moved and seconded to deny the proposed lot split
per the Staff Report dated March 6, 1979. The motion was carried
B. SDR -1408 - Brad Renn, Marion Avenue, Tentative Building Site Approval
2 lots
The applicants were present for this discussion. Since the applica-
tion involved a lot split on a street without secondary access and
having over 15 lots presently taking access from it, the Committee
indicated they intended to deny the proposal. The applicants ques-
tioned how Saratoga Foothills had been allowed to develop 4 lots on
the street a few years ago, and the Committee referred them to the
Planning Commission at that time. The applicants also questioned
the significance of the 15 -lot restriction on a flat street near the
Fire Station, and mentioned that actually 23 houses access onto the
street. The LDC, referring to the recent Council denial of the
Wilson subdivision on Marion, moved and seconded to deny the proposed
lot split, per the Staff Report dated March 6, 1979. The motion was
carried unanimously.
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LDC Minutes of Meeting Page 2
of March 22, 1979
A. Joseph Masek, Big Basin Way, Modification to Site Development Plan
for SDR -1388; Continued from March 1, 1979
The applicant was present for this discussion. It was moved and
seconded to approve the modification to SDR -1388, per the Council
appeal direction, subject to receipt of a new map showing 21 parking
spaces underground, and per the Staff Report dated September 19,
1978, amended as follows:
Condition V -D shall read: "Developer to install one (1) hydrant
that meets Saratoga Fire District's specifications and deposit
$195.00 to cover hydrant rental for a period of five (5) years.
Hydrant to be installed and accepted prior to issuance of build-
ing permits (in conjunction with SDR -1387) or other as approved by
the Fire Chief ".
Condition VIII -B shall read: "Applicant is to enter into recorded
agreement with the City of Saratoga agreeing to participate in
the formation of a parking assessment district with parking to
be provided at the ratio of one parking space per 380 sq. ft.
of gross floor area. Applicant is to submit a petition signed by
the proposed Parking Assessment District No. 3, July 1977 (377 sq.
ft. per space), with parking to be provided at the ratio of one
parking space per 380 sq. ft. of gross floor area (21 parking
spaces) prior to Final Approval or to provide all off - street
parking as required by Article #11 of NS -3 prior to Final Approval.
All new spaces and access thereto shall be constructed only as
approved by the Director of Public Works ".
Condition VIII -D shall be deleted.
The motion was carried unanimously.
B. Len Simas, 4th Street, Modification of Conditions for SDR -1303
The applicant was present and requested a modification to the site
development plan to place a professional office building in place of
the approved restaurant. It was moved and seconded to approve the
modification, revising the exhibit to Exhibit "A -11', submitted
March 16, 1979. The motion was carried unanimously.
1. SDR -1397 - David Bamberg, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, 3 lots, Modi-
fication o'`Conditions - The applicant was present for the
discussion. The Committee discussed the anticipated PG4E under -
grounding project on Saratoga - Sunnyvale, and referred the appli-
cant to PG &E to explore other possibilities and possible resolution
of the timing problem.
2. Brian Sears - Definition of Subdivision - The applicants and their
architect, Jim Morelan, were present, and requested the Committee
to determine whether they had created a subdivision and were thus
subject to the 50% rule for two - stories per the Two -Story Ordinance.
The LDC suggested that the applicants request an interpretation of
the problem for the Planning Commission.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried
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