HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-03-1980-Land Development Committeef ,
DATE: Thursday, April 3, 1980 - 9:00 a.m.
PLACE: Crisp Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present: R. S. Shook and Commissioner Laden
Staff Members Present:
B. Minutes
K. Kerdus, D. Trinidad and
D. Wimberly
It was moved and seconded to waive the reading of the minutes
of March 6, 1980 and approve as distributed. The motion was
carried unanimously.
It was moved and seconded to waive the reading of the minutes
of March 209 1980 and approve as distributed. The motion was
carried, with Commissioner Laden abstaining since she was not
present at the meeting.
The Committee reviewed the Negative Declarations for SDR -1396 and
SDR -1448. It was moved and seconded to approve those two items.
The motion was carried unanimously.
A. SDR -1396 - George and Wanda Bottom, Bohlman Road, Building Site
Approval. 1 Lot. Continued from 3/20/80
The Bottoms and their engineer, Marve Kirkeby, were present for
the discussion. Staff explained that this is a request for a
single site on a 13 -acre parcel on Bohlman Road. The City
Geologist had reviewed the map and had described it as a mar-
ginal site requiring close work with the engineers and geologist.
The Health Department had approved the lower site for a leach
field, which resulted in a very long, tight line. Discussion
ensued on the location of the approved leach field site, and it
was finally determined to note on the map the leach field site
being approved with the possibility for the applicants to come
back and modify that site if the Health Department had approved
an upper site. Mr. Wimberly explained that he had a problem
with the upper site in any event, because of the steepness and
slope which would require substantial grading, and the fact that
slope barriers existed on both sides of the ridge. He reiterated
the marginal nature of the site and expressed the need for the
applicant and their engineers and contractor to work closely
with the City. When asked if there were any problems with the
Staff Report, the applicant's engineer pointed out that Condition
II -D should be modified to require a designed structural section
13 ft. behind centerline and flowline, rather than 26 ft. The
Staff agreed with this modification.
It was moved and seconded to approve SDR -1396 as amended, with
the caveatt that the leach field site as marked approved could
be modified, given more detail that resulted in a better site.
The motion was carried unanimously.
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Land Development
Committee Minutes 4/3/80
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B. SDR -1456 - Mr. and Mrs. Armistead, Rodoni Court, Tentative
Building Site Approval - 1 Lot
Mrs. Armistead and her architect, Ralph Nafzgar, were present
for the discussion. After reviewing the map and the Staff
Report, the Committee moved and seconded to approve SDR -1456
per Exhibit "B ". The motion was carried unanimously.
A. SDR -1448 - Ronald Haas, Bainter and Austin Way, Tentative
Building Site Approval - 3 Lots, Continued from
Dave Call, representing the applicant, was present for the
discussion. Staff explained that the Water District and Sanita-
tion District had both responded to this map, and that their
conditions were not substantially changed. However, no map had
been submitted from the applicant showing access from Austin Way.
Mr. Shook indicated that the public hearing should not be opened
if Mr. Haas had not presented the map that the Committee had
Mel Wright, of Redberry Drive, stated that he had nothing further
to state to the Committee as long as they were still considering
access from Austin Way. Dave Call stated that he would inform
the applicant of the Committee's desires. The Committee directed
Staff to request Mr. Haas to bring in a map showing access from
Austin Way. It was directed that this item be continued to
April 17, 1980.
A. 23- 18 -59- Ronald Cone, Mt. Eden Road, Review of County Conditions
78S - of Tentative Building Site Approval prior to Annexa-
tion to City of Saratoga, 2 lots, Continued from 3/20/80
Staff reported that no new map had been submitted on this site;
however, the applicant's geologist is now working on such a map
with the City's geologist. The Committee directed that this item
be continued to April 17, 1980.
B. SDR -1377 - Anthony Cocciardi (Oscar Martinez), Saratoga- Sunny-
vale Road, Request for a One -Year Extension - 1 Lot
The Committee reviewed the Staff Report, and it was moved and
seconded to approve the one -year extension for the subject site.
The motion was carried unanimously.
C. SDR -1327 - Danny Ray, Private Road off Quito Road, Request for
One -Year Extension - 1 Lot
The Staff Report for SDR -1327 was reviewed by the Committee. It
was moved and seconded to grant the one -year extension. The
motion was carried unanimously.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was
carried unanimously.
Kathy Keri4us