HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-15-1980-Land Development CommitteeLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
DATE: Thursday, May 15, 1980 - 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: Crisp Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Rnll Call
Committee Members Present: R. S. Shook and R. S. Robinson, Jr.
Staff Members Present:
Commissioner Laden
K. Kerdus, D. Trinidad and
D. Wimberly
It was moved and seconded to waive the reading of the minutes
of May 1, 1980 and approve as distributed. The motion was
carried unanimously.
A. SDR -1459 - Saratoga Union School'District, Aloha Avenue,
Tentative Building Site Approval - 3 lots
Staff explained that the applicant is requesting a three -lot
subdivision at the corner of Forest Hills and,Aloha Avenue
on an 8.6 acre site. The City Council, on April 2, 1980,
determined that the project was consistent with the General
Plan. Parcel "A ", the 6.1 acre lot containing the school, was
designated as not a part of the subdivision. The two other
parcels, "B" and "C ", would potentially yield 2 and 3 lots,
respectively. However, these further potential subdivisions
require additional Tentative Map Approvals. Mr. Shook ques-
tioned the setback of the structures that would remain on
Parcel "B ". It was determined that they might infringe on the
10 ft. side setback and, therefore, Condition VIII -C was
added to the Staff Report, which states "Existing buildings
shall conform to required setbacks within eighteen (18) months
of Final Approval."
The public hearing was opened at 10:14 a.m. Since no one
appeared, it was moved and seconded to close the public hear-
ing. The motion was carried unanimously.
However, when Dr. McNicholas had questions regarding the
timing of bringing the buildings up to code, the public
hearing was reopened at 10:16 a.m. The Committee explained
to Dr. McNicholas that a bond would be required at the time
of Final Approval, in order to ensure that the buildings would
be brought up to code (including setbacks) within eighteen
months of that approval. It was moved and seconded to close
the public hearing. The motion was carried unanimously.
A motion was made and seconded to adopt the Negative Declara-
tion dated May 1, 1980. The motion was carried unanimously.
It was then moved and approved to adopt SDR -1459, finding it
consistent with the General Plan and per the Staff Report
dated May 6, 1980, as amended, and Exhibit "B ". The motion
was carried unanimously.
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Land Development Page 2
Committee Minutes 5/15/80
A. SDR -1392 - Wright $ Co., Big Basin, Request for a One -Year
Extension. 1 Lot
Staff explained that the applicant's representative, Sheldon
Ramsey, had requested that this item be continued until the
next meeting, in order for escrow to close. It was directed
that this item be continued to the meeting of June 5, 1980.
B. 736- 23 -54- Tom Lauer, Sunset Drive, Review of County Tentative
79cc -79s - Map Application for 2 lots
There was no one present for this discussion. The LDC reviewed
Staff's memo on the item, particularly noting that under
Saratoga standards the applicant would only be allowed one
lot. Therefore, they requested that a resolution be sent to
the County, recommending that the application be denied and
brought before Saratoga. However, the proviso was to be added,
stating that if the County continued with the application, then
Saratoga's standard conditions were to be followed. The major
point was that two lots would be inappropriate for the site.
C. 14111 Palomino, Mr. and Mrs. Rossi, Request for a Modification
to a Site Development Plan for a Swimming Pool
A representative from the swimming pool company was present for
the discussion. The LDC reviewed the plans submitted and dis-
cussed the retaining wall at length. It was moved and seconded
to approve the modification, per Exhibit "F ". The motion was
carried unanimously.
A. SDR -1460 - Tompkins Associates, Brookwood Lane, Preliminary
Map Review - 3 Lots
Mr. Tompkins, Guthrie Swartz, and the engineer, Jitta Cymbal,
were present for the discussion. The applicant presented plans
showing a 3 -lot split on the subject site on Brookwood Lane
with a public road. After reviewing the plan, Staff stated
that there were no apparent violations of the Subdivision
Ordinance. Mr. Shook, looking at the proposed road plans,
noted that a number of trees would have to be removed given
a public road width. The LDC decided to meet on site on
Thursday morning, May 22, 1980, to review the proposed map in
the field. It was directed that this item be continued to the
June 5, 1980 meeting.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was
carried unanimously.
Kathy K6tdu,8,1 Secretary