HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-05-1980-Land Development CommitteeLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
DATE: Thursday, June 5, 1980 - 11:00 a.m.
PLACE: Crisp Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present:
Staff Members Present:
B. Minutes
R. S. Shook, R. S. Robinson, Jr.
and Commissioner Laden
K. Kerdus, D. Trinidad and
D. Wimberly
It was moved and seconded to waive the reading of the minutes of
May 15, 1980 and approve as distributed. The motion was carried
A. SDR -1392 - Wright and Company, Big Basin, Request for a One -Year
Extension - 1 Lot; Continued from May 15, 1980
Sheldon Ramsey, of Wright and Company, was present for the dis-
cussion. Commissioner Laden asked Staff whether this was the first
request for an extension and was given an affirmative answer. It
was moved and seconded to extend SDR -1392 for an additional year,
per the Staff Report dated August 2, 1979. The motion was carried
A. SDR -1460 - Tompkins Associates, Brookwood Lane, Preliminary Map
Review - 3 lots; Continued from May 15. 1980
Mr. Woodrow Tompkins and Mr. Guthrie Schwarz were present for this
discussion. Commissioner Laden requested that she be informed of
the on -site visit that had occurred. The Committee explained that
they had reviewed the impact of placing a public road on the site,
particularly as it would remove several large trees. Additionally,
Staff explained that they had reviewed the inundation line shown
on the plan and felt that it did not conform to current City ordi-
nances, and, therefore, a denial of the map would be recommended.
A lengthy discussion followed on the possibilities of any structure
on the lot given the flood line set by the Santa Clara Valley Water
District. The Committee suggested that the information needed to
be obtained from the Water District. The applicant's engineer,
Jitka Cymbal, questioned the possibility of filling underneath the
structure. She stated she was only referring to 3 to 4 ft. and
then characterized the lot as a storage retention basin for the
Santa Clara Valley Water District. The LDC explained that they
were very concerned about retaining the integrity of the site and
felt that, although such a procedure had been done before, they
felt it was not acceptable today. Commissioner Laden explained
that the City, today, would be liable if the LDC knowingly allowed
construction where the possibility of flooding was present. The
applicant's engineer stated that the potential for flooding could
be made part of the parcel map, and the LDC indicated that did not
keep the City from being liable. Additionally, the applicant's
engineer spoke of the improvements in the future that were planned
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Land Development Committ--,c
Meeting Minutes 6/S/80
SDR -1460 (cont.)
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by the Santa Clara Valley Water District to Saratoga Creek.
However, at present no funds or initiative existed for the
improvements. The Committee explained to the applicant again
that they had no opt,ion but to deny the project unless the
Santa Clara Valley Water District changed the flood plain line.
Essentially the LDC was interested in retaining the integrity
of the site and not visually impacting the area with houses on
high pads. When the applicant's engineer asked whether the
LDC would require the existing structure to be brought up to
flood requirements, Staff responded that such was the case.
In the end the LDC determined that they would be willing to
give the development consideration if the solution did not
destroy the property or create an aesthetic impact, and if it
satisfied the Santa Clara Valley Water District by not decreasing
the capacity of the creek. Commissioner Laden explained to the
applicant that they did have an alternative to come in with the
present tentative map and have it acted upon by the LDC and go
through the appeal process with the City Council. The applicant
indicated that they would continue to work on a solution.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was
carried unanimously.
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