HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-1979-Land Development CommitteeLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
TIME: Thursday, November 1, 1979 - 9:00 a.m.
PLACE: Crisp Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
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A. Roll Call
Committee Members: R. S. Shook, R. S. Robinson, and Commissioner
.Staff Members: K. Kerdus, D. Trinidad and D. Wimberly
B. Minutes
It was moved and seconded to waive the reading of the minutes of
October 18, 1979 and approve them as distributed. The motion was
carried, with Commissioner Laden abstaining since she was not
present at the meeting.
A. SDR -1433 - J. A. and Clara Teresi; Saratoga Avenue and Bucknall,
Tentative Building Site Approval - 2 Lots
The applicant was not present for this discussion. Staff explained
that the item was now in the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission,
since the recent Council approval of Ordinance 60.7 concerning
multiple applications. The Teresi and Hagan site approvals are to
be heard by the Planning Commission on November 14, 1979.
B. SDR -1438 - Angelina Arata, Maude Avenue, Tentative Building Site
Approval - 3 Lots
Mr. David Arata and Angelina Arata were present for the discussion.
Staff explained that this item had been referred erroneously to the
Planning Commission and it was now back for a decision by the Land
Development Committee. A long discussion ensued on the 15 -lot
policy for a cul -de -sac. It was decided that the Council had set
a precedent under the Renn site,allowing a lot split on Marion
Avenue which had over 15 lots but no potential for additional access.
Additionally, the Committee discussed the particular site in ques-
tion and found it to be 1) consistent with the Renn Building Site
Approval; 2) an infill situation; 3) having no possibilities for
access, and 4) on a street where no lot was further subdividable.
They also noted the generally flat terrain, the large size of the
lot, and the close relationship to Quito Road. After discussion
on the sewer requirement, the LDC moved to grant Tentative Building
Site Approval for three lots on the site, making the required find-
ings that the project complied with the objectives of the 1974
General Plan and all requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision
Ordinances of the City of Saratoga, and per the conditions of the
Staff Report dated October 2, 1979. The motion was seconded and it
was carried unanimously. It was explained to the applicants that
if they wanted to appeal the sewer conditions, they would have 15
days in which to do so.
A. 21485 Saratoga Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Scheuermann, Modification of
Site Development Plan for a pool
Staff stated that no new plans had been received for the Committee's
review. Therefore, the item was continued indefinitely until plans
were prepared and approved for review.
B. 21050 Canyon View, Mr. and Mrs. Colistra, Modification to Site
Development Plan for a pool
Mr. Colistra was present for the discussion. Staff stated that the
Land Development Committee Page 2
Minutes - Meeting 11/1/79
Mr. and Mrs. Colistra (cont.)
applicants were proposing to place a pool on the site which had
received site approval a few years ago with a Site Development
Plan. The subject site was located on Canyon View in the R -1- 40,000
district on a lot with a slope of over 100. In addition to the
pool, fill from an adjacent lot had been placed incorrectly on the
subject site. The Director of Inspection Services presented a memo
that recommended a certain sequence of events for things to happen
on the lot if a permit were to be issued. Mr. Colistra then con-
tended that a grading permit was not required because the slope at
the pool was less than 100. He also pointed out that the area of
illegal grading shown on the map being presented was not as large
as shown.
The Committee discussed with Mr. Colistra the necessity for doing
a plan showing the grading, landscaping and pool on the lot prior
to issuing a permit for the pool. Mr. Colistra argued that the
Staff was requiring him to do landscaping and grading prior to
brining in the grading equipment for the pool. He felt the sequence
was incorrect. It was explained that a permit would be issued for
the entire operation, given that the proper sequence was to be
followed. It was pointed out that, in order to correct the fill
that was placed on the property without the proper engineering, the
dirt might have to be moved in the same area as the proposed pool.
If the pool were dug prior to correcting the grading, there would
be no room for this fill.
It was directed that this item be continued until a grading plan for
the entire lot had been received and reviewed by Staff. This grad-
ing plan is to show the pool and what would be occurring on the lot
concerning the-grading that had been done incorrectly, and also the
final configuration of the lot.
C. SDR -1361 - Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, Canyon View Drive, Tentative Build-
ing Site Approval- 1 Lot, Request for One -Year Extension
The Committee reviewed the Staff Report recommending an extension
with the addition of a condition stating "Existing structure to be
evaluated for code conformance by a licensed architect or engineer.
A report of findings shall be provided to the City prior to final
approval. Corrections judged necessary by City shall be made."
It was moved and seconded to grant the extension subject to the
addition of the condition. The motion was carried.unanimously.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion was
carried unanimously.
Kathy Ker s