HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-12-2007 TSC Minutes&,7< 2) 6$5$72*$ 75$)),& 6$)(7< &200,66,21 $FWLRQ 0LQXWHV '$7( $SULO , 00 7,0( 0 30 /2&$7,21 $GPLQLVWUDWLYH &RQIHUHQFH 5RRP 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA  95070 &DOO WR 2UGHU 5ROO &DOO %DOOLQJDOO, %LHVWHU, %XVWDPDQWH, .DQH, *XLFKDUG $EVHQW%XVWDPDQWH & .DQH 6WDII $QDO\VW %RUHO, 'LUHFWRU &KHUERQH DQG 7UDIILF (QJLQHHU 5DVKLG 5HSRUW RQ 3RVWLQJ RI WKH $JHQGDPursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on April 5, 2007.%DOOLQJDOO UHSRUWV RQ SRVWLQJ $FFHSW $JHQGD ,WHPVNo addit ional items may be added pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. 1R FKDQJHV. 2UDO & :ULWWHQ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ Any member of the public may address the Commission about any matter QRW on the agenda for this meeting for up to three minutes. Commissioners may not comment on the matter but may choose to place the topic on a future agenda. ‐ Letter from Bob Wallace Re: Pierce Road ‐ 1R 2UDO FRPPXQLFDWLRQV $SSURYDO RI 'UDIW 0LQXWHV Draft Traffic Safety Commission Minutes for February 15, 2007. $SSURYHG ‐0 $*(1'$ 1. Traffic Matrix #178–Martin Lasich Issue: Request 4‐way stop signs on Quito Road at McCoy Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 $GG VWULSLQJ WR FURVVZDON DW 4XLWR & 0F&R\ DQG LQYHVWLJDWH WKH DGGLWLRQ RI D FHQWHU PHGLDQ WR FUHDWH D SHGHVWULDQ UHIXJH DUHD. ($33529('²0) 2. Traffic Matrix #177 –Marcia Palmquist Issue: Request addit ional red curbs on Saratoga Avenue near Sara Park Circle Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 $GG  IHHW RI UHG FXUE RQ 6DUDWRJD $YHQXH WR WKH QRUWK VLGH RI HDFK H[LW RI 6DUD 3 DUN &LUFOH.($33529('‐0) 3. Traffic Matrix #179 –Larry Schuster Issue: Request speed bump on Upper Aloha Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 'LUHFW WKH 7UDIILF (QJLQHHU WR SHUIRUP D VSHHG VXUYH\, YROXPH FRXQW DQG DFFLGHQW GDWD UHYLHZ DQG UHSRUW DW WKH QH[W PHHWLQJ ZLWK UHVXOWV. $VN 6KHULII IRU 'LUHFWHG (QIRUFHPHQW DIWHU VXUYH\ LV FRPSOHWH. ($33529('‐0) 4. Traffic Matrix #180 –Steve Allen Issue: Request speed bump on Aspesi because knockdown had to be removed because of constant damage Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 )ROORZ UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ E\ WKH 7UDIILF (QJLQHHU WR LQVWDOO D UDLVHG PHGLDQ ZLWK D  PSK VLJQ RQ $VSHVL 'ULYH DW $VSHVL &RXUW.($33529('‐0) 027,21 'LUHFWHG HQIRUFHPHQW ZLWK D UHSRUW EDFN DW WKH QH[W PHHWLQJ.($33529('‐0) 5. Traffic Matrix #181 –Bill Hardy Issue: Speeding concerns on Ravens wood Drive Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 'LUHFW WKH 7UDIILF (QJLQHHU WR GHYHORS D FRPSUHKHQVLYH SODQ IRU 5DYHQVZRRG DQG SUHVHQW LW DW WKH -XQH , 00 PHHWLQJ.($33529('‐0) 6. Traffic Matrix #182 –Tiffany Lyons Issue: Request 4 way stop at Winter Lane & Chateau Drive Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 ,QVWDOO WZR <LHOG VLJQV RQ :LQWHU ZKHUH LW LQWHUVHFWV ZLWK &KDWHDX 'ULYH. ($33529(' ‐0) 7. Traffic Matrix #185 –Myrna Thompson Issue: Request Oak Street be made a “One Way” street Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 5HFRPPHQGV WKDW QR DFWLRQ EH WDNHQ DW WKLV WLPH.($33529('‐0) 8. Traffic Matrix #183 –Chris Zager Issue: Request parking be restricted to one side of Montalvo Road Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 'LUHFW WKH 7UDIILF (QJLQHHU WR GHYHORS D GHVLJQ IRU WKH +LOO $YHQXH LQWHUVHFWLRQ, GHYHORS SRVVLELOLWLHV IRU WKH VWUDLJKW SRUWLRQV RI WKH URDG DQG UHDVVHVV WKH VWULSLQJ RQ WKH FXUYHV. ($33529('‐0) 9. Traffic Matrix #189 –Ritu Batra Issue: Request speed bumps on Montalvo Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 'LUHFW WKH 7UDIILF (QJLQHHU WR GHYHORS D GHVLJQ IRU WKH +LOO $YHQXH LQWHUVHFWLRQ, GHYHORS SRVVLELOLWLHV IRU WKH VWUDLJKW SRUWLRQV RI WKH URDG DQG UHDVVHVV WKH VWULSLQJ RQ WKH FXUYHV. ($33529('‐0) 10. Traffic Matrix #147 Issue: Review installat ion of striping on Montalvo Road Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 'LUHFW WKH 7UDIILF (QJLQHHU WR GHYHORS D GHVLJQ IRU WKH +LOO $YHQXH LQWHUVHFWLRQ, GHYHORS SRVVLELOLWLHV IRU WKH VWUDLJKW SRUWLRQV RI WKH URDG DQG UHDVVHVV WKH VWULSLQJ RQ WKH FXUYHV. ($33529('‐0) 11. Traffic Matrix #186 Issue: Request for traffic and safety assessment on Herrim an Action: TSC will make recommendation 027,21 'LUHFW WKH 7UDIILF (QJLQHHU WR FUHDWH D FRPSUHKHQVLYH SODQ IRU +HUULPDQ DQG WKH VXUURXQGLQJ DUHD DQG SUHVHQW LW DW WKH -XQH , 00 PHHWLQJ. ($33529('‐0) 12. Traffic Matrix #156 Issue: Glen Brae temporary median review Action: TSC will review data on surrounding streets from Traffic Engineer 1R $FWLRQ RQ WKLV LWHP ²LQIRUPDWLRQDO RQO\. $QQRXQFHPHQWV E\ &RPPLVVLRQHUV DQG 6WDII Union Pacific Railroad Upgrade project $GMRXUQPHQW DW 0 S.P.WR WKH 1H[W 5HJXODU 0HHWLQJ Thursday,June 7, 2007 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a disabled person and you need a disability‐related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 408.868.1269 or ctclerk@saratoga.ca.us Requests must be made as early as possible and at least one full business day before the start of the meeting. Certificate of Posting of Agenda: I, Kristin Borel, Public Works Analyst for the City of Saratoga, declare that the foregoing agenda for the meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission of the City of Saratoga was posted on April 5, 2007 at the office of the City of Saratoga, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA 95070 and was available for public review at that location. The agenda is also available on the City’s website at www.saratoga.ca.us.