HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-2017 Public Safety Task Force Agenda Packet Saratoga Public Safety Task Force Agenda - Page 1 of 2 SARATOGA PUBLIC SAFETY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 28, 2017 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING City Hall, Administrative Conference Room | 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070 ROLL CALL REPORT ON POSTING OF THE AGENDA The agenda for this meeting was properly posted on September 21, 2017. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS Any member of the public may address the Public Safety Task Force for up to three (3) minutes on matters not on the Agenda. The law generally prohibits the Public Safety Task Force from discussing or taking action on such items. However, the Public Safety Task Force schedule the item for discussion at a future meeting. AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Public Safety Task Force Minutes Recommended Action: Review and approve draft minutes from the August 24, 2017 meeting. 2. Public Safety Metrics Recommended Action: Review monthly update to public safety metrics. 3. Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering Recommended Action: Receive update on the Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering and finalize outstanding plans for the event. 4. Saratoga Safety Fair Recommended Action: Select a date and time for the Saratoga Safety Fair and start discussing other event details, such as program and budget. Saratoga Public Safety Task Force Agenda - Page 2 of 2 5. Neighborhood Watch Leader & CERT Gathering Recommended Action: Select a date and time for the event and begin considering the event budget and program. 6. Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Consider agenda items for upcoming meetings. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF THE AGENDA, DISTRIBUTION OF AGENDA PACKET, & COMPLIANCE WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT I, Crystal Bothelio, Deputy City Manager for the City of Saratoga, declare that the foregoing agenda for the meeting of the Public Safety Task Force was posted and available for review on September 21, 2017 at the City of Saratoga, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070 and on the City's website at www.saratoga.ca.us. Signed this 21st day of September 2017 at Saratoga, California. Crystal Bothelio, Deputy City Manager In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, copies of the staff reports and other materials provided to the Public Safety Task Force by City staff in connection with this agenda are available at the office of the City Clerk at 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070. In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 408.868.1269. Notification 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28 CFR 5.102-35.104 ADA title II] PUBLIC SAFETY TASK FORCE AGENDA PLANNER MEETING DATE AGENDA ITEMS March 27, 2017  Nomination of Chair/Vice Chair  Overview of State/City Laws & Policies  Review Public Safety Task Force Objectives, Development of Work Plan  Meeting Schedule  Future Agenda Items April 27, 2017  Review/approval of Minutes  Review of Public Safety Statistics  Proposed Public Safety Task Force Work Plan May 25, 2017  Review/approval of Minutes  Solved Crime/Arrest Data  Proposed Public Safety Task Force Work Plan  Future Agenda Items June 22, 2017  Review/approval of Minutes  Public Safety Metrics (Arrest Data: on-view vs warrant, Calls for Service)  Work Plan Implementation Council Priorities & Implementation Timeline  City Budget Overview  Work Plan Item: Improved Public Safety Webpage  Work Plan Item: Mobile App that Includes Public Safety Information  Future Agenda Items July 27, 2017  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Work Plan Item: Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering  Work Plan Item: Mobile App  Rescheduling November and December Meeting Dates  CERT Overview  Future Agenda Items August 24, 2017  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Work Plan Item: Mobile App  Work Plan Item: Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering  Scheduling the Saratoga Safety Fair & CERT/Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering  Rescheduling November and December Meeting Dates  Future Agenda Items September 28, 2017  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Work Plan Item: Neighborhood Watch  Work Plan Item: Saratoga Safety Fair  Work Plan Item: Neighborhood Watch & CERT Gathering  Future Agenda Items October 26, 2017  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Work Plan Item: Public Safety Webpage  Work Plan Item: Review Neighborhood Watch Process/Guidelines  Work Plan Item: Guidelines for Keeping Neighborhood Watch Groups Active  Work Plan Item: Neighborhood Watch & CERT Gathering  Future Agenda Items November 23, 2017 *  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Work Plan Item: Increase Neighborhood Watch Groups  Work Plan Item: Neighborhood Watch/CERT Collaboration  Future Agenda Items December 28, 2017 *  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items January 25, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items February 22, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items March 22, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items April 26, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items May 24, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items June 28, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items July 26, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items August 23, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items September 27, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items October 25, 2018  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items November 22, 2018 *  Review/approval of Minutes  Monthly Public Safety Metrics  Future Agenda Items * Meeting falls on City Hall holiday/closure. Meeting to be rescheduled or canceled. RESOLUTION 17-010 - PUBLIC SAFETY TASK FORCE ROLE/DUTY: “The Public Safety Task Force will serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters related to public safety and is charged with providing recommendations that can be considered and utilized by the City Council to enhance public safety in the City of Saratoga.” PUBLIC SAFETY TASK FORCE MEMBERSHIP FIRST NAME LAST NAME NOMINATED BY CITY EMAIL Ray Cosyn Vice Mayor Bernald rcosyn@saratoga.ca.us Sudip Ghosal Council Member Kumar sghosal@saratoga.ca.us John Hirokawa Chair Council Member Cappello jhirokawa@saratoga.ca.us Rebecca Jepsen Mayor Lo rjepsen@saratoga.ca.us Chuck Page Vice Chair Council Member Miller cpage@saratoga.ca.us PUBLIC SAFETY TASK FORCE WORK PLAN Approved June 7, 2017 MISSION: Enhance public safety in the City of Saratoga. GOAL: Bring greater awareness to public safety through outreach and education; strengthen partnerships between residents and their neighbors, the City, and public safety agencies; and monitor and track progress of City efforts. PROPOSED ACTION ITEMS IMPLEMENTATION 1. Outreach and Education: A. Create an improved public safety website  Review existing content and provide staff with recommended changes before the launch of the new City website, scheduled for late summer/early fall 2017. B. Create a mobile app that includes public safety information  Provide staff with recommendations for desired content and functionality to be implemented in mobile app available through CivicPlus.  Review effectiveness of mobile app after implementation. C. Increase public safety communications on a broad range of public safety topics and provide regular communications on public safety (as needed or on a set schedule)  Create a public safety communications plan that identifies the audience, strategies for communicating (including priority messages/information and communication frequency), format for communications (such as email), and measure for success.  Include schools in communication efforts to target parents. D. Hold a Saratoga Safety Fair that provides residents with a variety of public safety resources, including information on domestic violence reporting/prevention, identity theft prevention, and burglary prevention  Identify event objectives and create an estimated event budget  Request event funding from the City council  Schedule event date and time  Work with staff to create outreach strategy  Document event planning process and lessons learned so that it can be recreated in future years 2. Strengthen Partnerships: A. Host a gathering of Neighborhood Watch leaders  Schedule event date and time  Work with staff to create outreach strategy  Document event planning process and lessons learned so that it can be recreated in future years B. Increase the number of Neighborhood Watch groups  Identify areas without a Neighborhood Watch  Conduct targeted outreach to those areas to solicit interest in Neighborhood Watch, including CERT members that may not be part of an existing Neighborhood Watch C. Encourage collaboration between Neighborhood Watch and CERT by working to have 1 CERT member per neighborhood  Identify Neighborhood Watch groups without active CERT Members  Conduct targeted outreach to those areas to solicit interest in CERT D. Review process and guidelines for forming Neighborhood Watch groups  Recommend changes to the City’s Neighborhood Watch registration process, if necessary E. Establish guidelines for keeping Neighborhood Watch groups active  Survey or solicit input from Neighborhood Watch groups to better understand what has worked well and should be avoided when forming Neighborhood Watch groups or keeping them active  Draft a guide for keeping a Neighborhood Watch group active 3. Monitor and Track Progress: A. Develop a metric for measuring success of public safety efforts, such as arrest rates  Work with Sheriff’s Office to identify effective measures for tracking progress, including crime rates, calls to 911, and arrest rates or case solved rates  Identify regular review period (such as annual or quarterly) to monitor success B. Measure/monitor engagement of Neighborhood Watch groups  Create Neighborhood Watch survey for leads to inquire about activities and engagement  Regularly review Neighborhood Watch registration and grant applications (such as annual or quarterly) CITY COUNCIL PRIORITIES & DIRECTION FOR IMPLEMENTATION: - Improve Public Safety Website - Communications and Outreach o Include schools in outreach to target parents - Gathering of Neighborhood Watch Leaders - Development of metric(s) - Present any budget requests that may be needed to achieve work plan items to the Council by the December 6, 2017 City Council Meeting Saratoga Public Safety Task Force Minutes - Page 1 of 3 MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2017 PUBLIC SAFETY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING Chair John Hirokawa called the regular meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. in the City Hall Administrative Conference Room at 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members Ray Cosyn, Sudip Ghosal, John Hirokawa, Rebecca Jepsen, Chuck Page ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Crystal Bothelio, Deputy City Manager Lieutenant Marc Lehmann, Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office REPORT ON POSTING OF THE AGENDA Crystal Bothelio, Deputy City Manager, reported that the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on August 18, 2017. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS None AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Public Safety Task Force Minutes Recommended Action: Review and approve draft minutes from the July 27, 2017 meeting. PAGE/HIROKAWA MOVED TO APPROVE THE DRAFT MINUTES FROM THE JULY 27, 2017 MEETING. MOTION PASSED. AYES: COSYN, GHOSAL, HIROKAWA, PAGE. NOES: NONE. ABSTAIN: NONE. ABSENT: JEPSEN. 2. Public Safety Metrics Recommended Action: Review monthly update to public safety metrics. The Public Safety Task Force reviewed the monthly update to the public safety metrics. Lieutenant Lehmann provided an update on recent activity. 3. Mobile App with Public Safety Information Recommended Action: 3 Saratoga Public Safety Task Force Minutes - Page 2 of 3 Continue discussion on mobile app and provide recommendations for desired mobile app content. Task Force Member Ghosal suggested that the app be offered as an Instant App, which does not require users to install the app. It is currently only available for Android users. The Task Force agreed to review the app before it goes live. 4. Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering Recommended Action: Receive update on the Task Force’s request for funding for Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering and continue discussions to plan the event. Chair Hirokawa provided an update on the Task Force’s request for funding for the Neighborhood Watch Leader gathering. The Task Force agreed to send the Evite to Neighborhood Watch Leaders on August 28, with a reminder sent on September 13, and an RSVP deadline of October 6. On October 12, the agenda will be posted and another reminder will get sent to attendees. 5. Scheduling Saratoga Safety Fair and CERT/Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering Recommended Action: Consider potential dates and timing of the Saratoga Safety Fair and CERT/Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering. The Task Force discussed possible dates for the Sartoga Safety Fair and CERT/Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering. The Task Force agreed to hold the Safety Fair in May and the CERT/Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering in February or March. Chair Hirokawa suggested that the Safety Fair include public safety presentations, including one on domestic violence a bicycle safety. Task Force Member proposed the event include various booths, including vendors that offer home security products. Vice Chair Page suggested that the vendors be charged a nominal fee. The Task Force agreed to discuss the Safety Fair and CERT/Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering at the September Task Force Meeting. The Task Force requested that staff provide possible event dates and locations at the meeting. 4 Saratoga Public Safety Task Force Minutes - Page 3 of 3 6. Rescheduling November and December Meetings Recommended Action: Confirm cancelation of the November and December meetings and scheduling a meeting on November 30, 2017. PAGE/JEPSEN MOVED TO CANCEL THE NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER MEETINGS AND SCHEDULE A MEETING ON NOVEMBER 30, 2017. MOTION PASSED. AYES: COSYN, GHOSAL, HIROKAWA, JEPSEN, PAGE. NOES: NONE. ABSTAIN: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. 7. Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Consider agenda items for upcoming meetings. September Meeting will include CERT/Neighborhood Watch Gathering and Safety Fair. ADJOURNMENT Chair Hirokawa adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted: Crystal Bothelio, Deputy City Manager City of Saratoga 5 CITY OF SARATOGA Memorandum To:Public Safety Task Force From:Crystal Bothelio,Deputy City Manager Date:September 28, 2017 Subject:Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering At the July meeting, the Task Force discussed plans for a Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering and finalized preliminary plans. Subsequently, the City Council allocated $1,000 to the event from the Fiscal Year 2017/18 budget. Below is the latest information on outreach, responses to the invitation, and a draft program for gathering that the Task Force can adjust as desired. Outreach August 28 Completed Staff will send an Evite to Neighborhood Watch leaders with detailed event description and program September 13 Completed Send reminders October 6 RSVP deadline October 12 Staff will post agenda and send reminder email to Leaders that have RSVP’d Invitation Responses Invites Sent 175 Yes 33 Maybe 3 No 7 No Reply 133 Event Program 5:00 p.m.Event Start 5:30 p.m.Welcoming Remarks and Introductions 5:45 p.m.Small Group Discussions 6:30 p.m.Report From Small Group Discussions 7:00 p.m.Event End 6 Summary of Saratoga Neighborhood Watch Leader Gathering Date:Sunday, October 15, 2017 Time:5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Location:Task Force Member Rebecca Jepsen’s Home Budget:$1,000 (includes cost of food and miscellaneous items, such as disposable cutlery, table cloths, napkins, etc.) Objective:Provide leads with opportunity to meet each other and the Public Safety Task Force, gather input from the leads on Task Force initiatives (such as Neighborhood Watch process and guidelines), and allow leads to share lessons learned with each other and the Task Force. Description:The event will be an informal, social gathering of Neighborhood Watch leaders and the Public Safety Task Force. Dinner will be provided during the event. Depending on the number of attendees, participants will be split into small groups and a Task Force Member will be assigned to each group to facilitate discussion. Questions to help guide discussion include: 1. How long has your Neighborhood Watch group been together? 2. How many homes are in your group? 3. Was it easy to get the group started? Why or why not? 4. How does your group communicate with each other? What are the pros and cons of the communication method your group uses? 5. Is there a regular update that goes out? If so, how? And, by who? 6. Do you have regular get-togethers? How often? 7. What do you need from the City? From other Leads? 8. Would a quarterly update with recent incidents/info be helpful? By email or by mail? 9. What else would you like to share/chat about? 10. Would annual or biannual Lead get-togethers be helpful/desired? 11. What is the most frequent complaint you hear? Information gathered in the small group discussions will be reported out during the event or noted by Task Force Members and discussed at a future Task Force meeting. Supplies:City will provide chairs and tables to be delivered October 12 or 13 and picked up October 16 or 17. City will purchase/provide disposable cutlery, table cloths, plates, etc. Additionally, City will provide paper, pens, large note pads, and easels, if desired. 7 CITY OF SARATOGA Memorandum To:Public Safety Task Force From:Crystal Bothelio,Deputy City Manager Date:September 28, 2017 Subject:Neighborhood Watch Leader & CERT Gathering One of the work plan items of the Public Safety Task Force is to encourage collaboration between Saratoga’s Neighborhood Watch and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) groups. To that end, the Task Force has been discussing the possibility of holding a gathering of Neighborhood Watch and CERT representatives in February or March. Event Date and Location Below is a list of available dates, times,and locations for the event. Date Locations February 10, 2018 Afternoon Warner Hutton House Afternoon Friendship Hall, Saratoga Prospect Center February 11, 2018 Anytime Warner Hutton House Anytime Friendship Hall, Saratoga Prospect Center March 3, 2018 Anytime Warner Hutton House Afternoon Friendship Hall, Saratoga Prospect Center March 4, 2018 Anytime Warner Hutton House March 10, 2018 Anytime Warner Hutton House Afternoon Friendship Hall, Saratoga Prospect Center March 11, 2018 Anytime Warner Hutton House Anytime Friendship Hall, Saratoga Prospect Center March 17, 2018 Anytime Warner Hutton House Afternoon Friendship Hall, Saratoga Prospect Center March 18, 2018 Anytime Warner Hutton House Event Budget Depending on the nature of the event, the cost may range from $250 (light refreshments only) to $1,500 (meal provided). For the purpose of preparing a cost estimate, staff assumed that the event will have 115 attendees (75 Neighborhood Watch representatives and 40 CERT representatives). Actual attendance may be lower than estimated, particularly if the Task Force decides to invite only the CERT leadership rather than the entire roster of CERT members. There are currently 6 members on the CERT leadership team and approximately 180 people on the full roster. 8 Event Program The gathering may be the first time that Neighborhood Watch leads and CERT members meet each other. Consequently, it may be beneficial to spend time introducing the purpose of Neighborhood Watch and CERT, give time for event attendees to socialize and meet each other, and discuss the reason the Task Force brought both groups together. The gathering will also provide an opportunity to connect Neighborhood Watch and CERT members who live in the same area. 9