HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-1987 Parks and Recreation Commission AgendaSARATOGA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA TIME: MONDAY, March 2, 1987, 7:30 P.M. PLACE: SARATOGA COMMUNITY CENTER 19655 Allendale Avenue, Saratoga, California (Senior Lounge) A G E N D A I. ORGANIZATION A. Roll Call B. Minutes (Meeting of February 4t2, 1987) II. OLD BUSINESS A. Dogs in Parks III. NEW BUSINESS None IV. COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORTS None V. COMMUNICATIONS A. Memo From Community Services Director Re: Dogs in Parks 1 PRESENTS ~rr~e,a-i.~. • ,4nnewcnn PICNIC! "All American" type colorful canopies offer additional shade, and the picnic areas can accommodate groups ranging in size from 50 to 8000! The location in Sunnyvale is ideal -with easy access from all areas in the Bay, and plenty of parking! Twin Creeks Picnic Facilities Include: • Picnic Tables • Shade Canopies • BBQ's • Softball • Volleyball The Following Can Also Be Provided: • Dunk Tanks • Carnival Booths and Games • Carnival Rides • Pony Rides • Clowns • Facepainters • Magicians • Puppet Shows • Casino • Bands or Disc Jockeys Organized Group Games With Hosts Prizes and Ribbons for all Games Giveaway Items -With your choice of Slogan or Company logo such as mugs, wine glasses, hats, visors, etc. Softball Tournaments with Picnic Softball, Hotdogs, Mom and Apple lie! Situated on five acres of green grass, surrounded by ten championship softball diamonds, the new Twin Creeks Picnic Facilities offer a different concept for group events. No more hot, dusty picnics! Twin Creeks Picnic grounds are completely covered with beautiful grass, and ~re cooled in the afternoons by almy breezes. • Basketball • Horseshoes • Soccer • Flag Football Use of Batting Cages Also Available: Banquet room with stage, full liquor bar, dance floor and video equipment -Seats up to 300 persons. Tickets, Posters, and Promotional Items for picnic will be supplied by Twin Creeks at no additional cost. For information & Reservations call (408) 866-2033. RECREATION AND SPORTS COMPLEX }~ 1 • l"he Saratoaa Community Center and F'ark:s Department invites your s~.cgnestians and comments on city-sponsored pr-ogr-ams and parks. The purpose of this sur-vey is to assist staff in determining the effectiveness of current programs, plan and implement new programs and give the public an opportunity to e:cpress their opinions. Your input will be used to help determine the future direction of recreation programs and park: development. 1 . f~iow man`s i n each of the f of 1 owi ng age groups 1 i ve i n your hausehold? .,~___ a. under ~ years .~.~ d. 18-_~~ ._._~__ g. over b~ _._~... c. 1~-17 ^^ f . J1-bv ::'. During the last year have you, or members of your houseF-~old. participated in an activity sponsored by the Saratoga Community Center (nat to be confused with •the L_os Gatos-Saratoga Department of Community Education and Recreation)? Yes __ If yes, type of program: hJa __ If no, reason: Recreation Class Tri p Special Event Qther .._.__..__ Too Eiusy rJot Interested _~_~ Di do ' t }`;now About ~,____ Program 7i me Inconvenient -_-_____ Llther ~. How have you heard about Saratoga Community Center programs'' .__._.._.__ Di do ' t Hear Ecul 1 et i n E~oards __.____. Mai 1. ed Eirochures ~~- __._ Word of Mouth ._..____.._ Newspapers Clther ~~. 4Jhat additions to the recreation programs would increase your use':. Fldul t sports leagues: _,_,~Soccer _~_ Vol l eybal l _~___Softball _ VL-rasketball Supervised programs at park: sites: ______Sports clinics _ __C1 asses ___~~,_,_ E::panded Tennis Program ~~ ______.~ F'reschaol and infants programs .___._____. Chi 1 d care duri nq classes ____._____ Tnfant and toddler day-long day care __...._._~.._ l"een programs. Please specify~~__~_____ _ __ ,__..___._.__._ What adult ar chi 1 dren classes would interest yau^ H j . 5. Whrich city park: have you used in the last year" _,_._.._E1 Cc_ci to _L~rook:gl en .__.__4Ji 1 dwoad _ Foothi 11 _..___C;ongress Springs _,~.~k::evin Moran Gardiner f~. l~Jhat park: facilities did you use? _..____~.. Flaying fields (AYSO, Little Leaque> ~,~_. P1 aygraund _. ...__......_ Picnic Facilities _____~_ Sports Courts nthr::,r ~ ~ Y • 7. 4Jhat improvements should be made to Saratoga Ci t~,~ Far k:s" At What F'ark:^ F'ark:i np Restrooms ~_ --.~~-_.__~__--- _ F'1 aygro~.-nd~ ~qui pment ~--~~.^_ E::ercise Courses _ Picnic Facilities ~ _ _-_ Bi k:elJogging paths A~ _~~ ~y Tennis/Sport courts _ _ _ Designated dog-walk:inq areas Telephones ___ __.~_.~.~___~_____~ Horseshoe pits_.__._____ _.~~..._._._.._. ~Jolleyball nets 8. In planning for the future, on what area should the city place the mast emphasis^ Check:: one, __,_ a. Acquiring new 1 and for parF; development. M~ b. Developing and improving facilities on e;:isting parE, land. ,_,.-__ c. Building a Heal Community Center to allow for program growth. __ d. Maintaining e.;isting facilities with na growth. q. What percentage of recreation program casts should be paid by the participants^ Currently, participant fees pay 9G% of the program costs. 1~.?. Please offer any other comments you may have regarding Saratoga city parE;s ar Saratoga Community Center programs. Please fold your response so the city address appears on the front and tape i.t closed. The cit}~ will pay the return postage, or you may return the survey in person to the Saratoga City Hall, 1777 Fri_ii teal e Aven~_ie, Saratoga, CA 95s~7i_~ or to the Saratoga Community Center, 1gb5~ Allendale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 9~s~7~~. Questions may be directed to Joan Pisani, F~ecreatian Superintendent, at 8b7-L4:~8, e:;t. J~~. • ~i~ ~~! , O~ • ~~' C~BSs ~ o{~ ~~~° BOO C~L~ 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE SAR,ATOGA. CALIFORNIA 95070 (408) 867-3438 1987 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Karen Anderson To: Rich Vallone, Chairman Martha Clevenger Parks and Recreation Coamission Joyce Hlava David Moyles Donald Peterson From: Todd Argow, Community Services Director Subject: Dogs in Parks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recently, I received a copy of your report to .. the City Council dated January 20, 1987, concerning the above referenced subject. In your report, you indicated that there had been no citations issued to residents allowing their pets to use parks as restrooms due to the fact "that the existing laws are inadequate or that enforcement of them is simply too difficult or too low on the priority list." Let me personally assure that enforcement of these laws has been very high on the priority list of our Community Service Officers. Almost daily, at least one CSO has been stationed at a park to watch for thoughtless people who would allow their pets to use a local park as a restroom. Also being enforced is the City's leash law. As you are aware, the law does not allow the City to issue citations based on hearsay evidence. A violation must occur in the presence of either a Community Service Officer or a Sheriff's Officer. Citizens can, however, make a citizen's arrest if they observe such activity themselves. If a citizen is interested in making a citizen's arrest, one of our CSO's will issue a citation to the offending party based on that willingness. The reason that few people choose this course of action is primarily due to the fact that they would be required to testify in court that they personally observed this particular violation of law. Another complicating factor is that people do not like to confront their neighbors in such matters. Nevertheless, we will continue to attempt to enforce these laws to the maximum extent possible. We will show no leniency to violators we observe; no warnings will be issued for a first offense. Our newest strategy, in response to your Coomnissions's concerns, is to try to be a little less conspicuous when we are watching a park. At other times, it has been our intention to be very conspicuous so that people know the parks are being watched. Perhaps with this effort, together with the publicity this problem has gotten, the severity of it will decrease in the future, and local residents will be able to use the parks as had originally been intended. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, or if I can provide you with additional information in this matter. T rgow Jm cc: City Manager, CSO Roldan, CSO Martire, Sheriff's Sgt. Gary Medlin County Government Center East Wing, Eleventh Floor SANTA CLARA COUNTY ~o West Hedding Sheet INTERGOVERNMENTAL COUNCIL ao8 299-24245110 Established by Charter to address joint jurisdictional issues, and to deve/op cooperative relations between local agencies IGC TRAILS & PATHWAYS COMMITTEE MEETING SUMMARY January 22, 1987 1. Agenda Review and Additions 2. Public Presentations There were no public presentations. 3. Funding for Completion of the Los Gatos Creek Trail Bill Helms from the Campbell Public Works Department told the Committee that the completed segments of the Los Gatos Creek Trail within the City of Campbell cost $1,064,000 and that an additional $1,000,000 is needed to implement the trail from Highway 17 to Bascom Avenue. Acknowledging that the Los Gatos Creek Trail is located within one of the most densely-populated areas of the. County, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend that the IGC: Encourage the County Parks and Recreation Commission, the City of San Jose, Caltrans, and the Santa Clara Valley Water District to assist the City of Campbell in obtaining the $1,000,000 necessary to complete the segment of the Los Gatos Creek Trail from Highway 17 to Bascom Avenue. 3. Kalend Truck Stop Proposal - Pacheco Pass Highway The Committee was informed that at its January 22nd meeting, the County Planning Commission was unable to reach a decision on the environmental document prepared for the Kalend proposal. The proposal was continued to the February Sth Planning Commission meeting. 4. Arastradero Road Trail The Committee learned that the safety improvements needed on the segment of the Arastradero Road Trail between Page Mill and Alpine Roads has been budgeted as a maintenance item, not a capital improvement item. Therefore, work on the safety improvements can begin sooner than expected. These improvements are needed because the narrow road and speeding autos make this trail segment dangerous to bicyclists. (cont.) /GC Membsrs Elected Officials representing: Campbell Los Altos Milpitas Mountain View Santa Clara County of Santa Clara Santa Clara County Schoo! Districts Cupertino Los Altos Hills Monte Sereno Palo Alto Saratoga Santa Clara County Special Districts Gilroy Los Gatos Morgan Hill San Jose Sunnyvale Santa Clara Valley Water District m 5. Committee Staff Support The Committee was reminded that Don Weden and Cheryl Reid have allocated 10% and 20% of their time, respectively, to staffing the Committee. Members were encouraged to participate in presenting the results of the Urban Trails and Pathways Study to the local jurisdictions when the study is completed later in the spring. 6. Reference Materials for Committee Members' Records The Committee was informed of the publication of a new book, California Riparian Systems, edited by Richard E. Warner and Kathleen M. Hendrix. 7. Guadalupe River Park South Committee Appointment The Committee voted unanimously (one member absent) to recommend to San Jose Mayor Tom McEnery that Chris Svensson be appointed to the Guadalupe River Park South Committee as the. Trails & Pathways Committee representative. 8. Other Business Bayfront Trail The Committee was informed that the County is proposing to fence off the segment of the Bayfront Trail that is within Palo Alto Airport's flight path. i • RECORD OF ATTENDANCE Trails & Pathwavs Committee Members Louise Dronkert, Co-chair Chris Svensson Artemas Ginzton, Co-chair Dick Forst Rod Diridon Emily Renzel Curtis Harrison Barbara Green Jack Lucas Technical_Advisory Committee Members*, Staff and Others Jess Smith* Lawrence Ames* Felice Errico*, County Par'~cs and Recreation Department Carolyn Knocherhauer, Supervisor Rod Diridon's Office Don Hebard* Bill Helms, Campbell Public Works Lisa Killough*, County Parks and Recreation Department Bill Bliss* Agatha McDonald* Libby Lucas* Don Weden, Committee Staff Cheryl Reid, Committee Staff Elected Officials representing: Campbell Los Athos Milpitas Mountain View Santa Gars County of Santa Clara Santa Gara County School Districts Cupertino Los Altos Hills Monte Sereno Pelo Alto Saratoga Santa Gara County Special Districts Gilroy Los Gatos Morgan Hill San Jose Sunnyvale Santa Clara Valley Water District m • County Government Center East Wing, Eleventh Floor SANTA CLARA COUNTY ~o West Redding Street INTERGOVERNMENTAL COUNCIL aos 2ss'za~zae"0 Established by Charter to address joint jurisdictional issues, and to develop cooperative relations between local agencies TRAILS & PATHWAYS COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1987 7:00 - 9s00 pm 7th Floor, Conference Room 1 County Government Center 70 W. Redding Street, San Jose AGENDA 1. AGENDA REVIEW AND ADDITIONS - 5 min. 2. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS - 10 min. 3. SOUTH COUNTY STUDY - TRAIL POLICIES - 20 min.* Discussion and vote on the trail policies recommended by the South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee. 4. KALEND TRUCK STOP PROPOSAL - PACHECO PASS HIGHWAY - 10 min. Status report on the Kalend Truck. Stop proposal for Pacheco Pass Highway east of Gilroy. 5. URBAN TRAILS AND PATHWAYS STUDY - 20 min. Update on the Urban Trails and Pathways Study. 6. RIPARIAN CORRIDOR POLICIES - 15 min. Discussion of methods to increase public awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the regional trail opportunities provided by Santa Clara County's riparian corridors. 7. ASILOMAR TRAILS CONFERENCE - 10 min. Discussion of the fourth annual Statewide Trail Information Conference to be held at Asilomar on March 8, 9, and 10, 1987. (cont.) * Action Item IGC Members Elected Otticials represenfing: Campbell Los Altos Milpitas Mountain View Santa Gara County of Santa Gara Santa Gara County School Districts Cupertino Los Alms Hills Monte Sereno Palo Alto Saratoga Santa Gara County Special Districts Gilroy LoS Gatos Morgan Hill San Jose Sunnyvale Santa Gara Valley Water District m ,. O 14NT~p- CLARA COUNTY T#~1 L & ~ PATHWAYS N E1~/ Issue ~ February'1S~ SOUTH COUNTY TRAILS SUI~RTE~ BY ~1'UDY Implementation of a system of ~+ecreationat hiking and equestrian trails and on-road bic~rcle routes in the Morgan Hill; San Martin; artd Gil y areas has been recommended by the South County Joint Planing Program ~Advso Committee as part of its overall recommendations cx~cemittg future land-use nd development in South County. The Committee's recommendations are currerftly being arculated for public revievw~nd comment. Copes of the report are,availabie f es from the Santa Clara County Office of . Planning, 7b W." Redding StrE~et; San Jose, C~ 9511.0. .STATE TRAILS Ct~IFERENCE AT ASILOM~pR MARCH $-1!0 ~ The Fourth Annual California Recrea#ional Trails Conference wiN be held March 8-10 at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove.. The conference will `provide trail enthusiasts from around the state an. opportunity #o discuss current trail issues and share information regarding" local and state. hauls Programs. ~, _ . For further in#ormatian, contact Ross Henry, Executive Secretary, California Recreaticmal Trails Committee, P.q. Box 239©, Sacramental, CA 95811. (916) .322-7384.. VOLUNTEERS BUIt.E)1NG STEVENS CREEK- PARK TRAtI. Volunteers. organized by the Trail Center and the REI outdoor gear and clothirig store in Cupertino are continuing. work to comple#e a tail link between Stevens Creek:;County Park " and the Midpenins~ula Regional Open Space D,istrict's Fremont Older Open Space Preserve. ~1Nhen completed, the trail wiitrnake~ possible an 8-mile.-loop. The next trail buildit sessions will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, .March 14#h and April 4th. At fhe end of the day, a free bar~erlue will be provided by REl for trail vvarkers. For further information, contact the Trail Centel, 4898 EI Camino Real, #205A, Los Altos, CA 94022. (415 9+~8-7055. NEWSPAPERS EDiTORtAL12E ©N "RING ARQUMD THE.BAY TRAIL" B©th the San Jose Mercury arc! the Peninsula Times Tribune have recently printed ea~torials about the proposed "Ring Around .the Bay Trail." (see, text on reverse side) ..,.{, ..~ ,.x... . XS<. ~ L?{.~ :.p..}+. J.. :'::< A o~{h. ~y,/"yam--..[~(~ ~a~~y ~py~y~{ M ..::>:..:.::::«<::>:...Y.: f!*i0\tTV~ .,`... ~.~i+1~4~!~R~~Y~M~..~{llR~ V.R:Qi.{A .. .. .,1,. .. , ,.... t:fi>:;:y_:3;::^•.i::i?:<:;: ra:;: .... , ~ ....:....::: .>......:.>.:...::.::.>:.:>;:~..:........:::::.;.:.r.;>;>€::....,; .:~ :..:.:..:: ~~t CdunClt S Tt'~Ifts,~ PathVva ~«_:::.>.~;..< ,.<.; , ;«.:> : ~ ~IS~-sAUtrly ~tt1cA of,nning, courny Govemmeht Ceh~ec, 7'~tt for, t~`` ~ } 1=8wi,'7p1A~ N~ldtr~~t# ~t3*~~A~~Y1R f(4Q13} 29$*252f :,»:;;.>,~'<;~;.:.>:.><.:..... ._> ~~' ........:.........;; , r .f . <.. ..>...]... ..... ::>a ~'~: ~~rr~~ '..~-.~ 11.~05~ RoB~ar a txcl.R, seicr v~. l~re,ident .ed s:eeaeiv~ aJitar ~~tcrcurt~ :~rtu~ iRROMR M. C$tP08. J1/osa/iraR Editor iR1vNlB R~~RN~.>~.~~. ~dita/Mtp,t~t Ros st.Dttn, ldita- ' DEAN R. RARTBIt, 3rrtior Yia Hsrident ` ~~~ iIWN a RA~LMRT1'.SeRio- Vies PnsideM . TA[.tY tttJ, CAiel Financial O/Jcvr ` ,. 1IMQTNY i. ALWAtQGR Dieector o/ Conxt~nter At~rksein~t R1LL1Abt A.07T RQNAt.I?Q.ai+.ACii,+Claaj'sd~tdaereisintDireetor RICHARD R.1tL78CH !)inrtar eJ Cireutatina O~nrtipns ' I'reaidrnt and fLblixArr RO1t16RT C.ItlLWAMtIt~l./)iaptey Adurgsin~t lAMrfor ~~~~~ EdItOI~a~3 Wednesday. Febnwry x.1987 $B -• • - 4 Fling around the Bay . ; - 1~r+ ~~~~ ~~a ~~ t~ ~+ J~~-111~~ Gil o~~ '}'~ p t..li\.s ~a~ HE IDEA OF circling Sea Francis- Wre will be lutrt! to ~ustity as Gov. Dent. Tca Bay srtta tt bkYclopedestrlan me~laa sad the state LegWaturE tocrlt at pathway.ls tong overdue. sad state cutting back ~ more-~-ormy eadea+~. Sen. Brit Loctyer b seekittg to, mate it a Reallring tdnt, toctyer is looktng ~ te6ie aplor has Lockyer, Dray rd kt ~ resilly is tie loreseenble future. two Costttttttag Wear; twving tie .hero- A bike and pedestrian ~ ` wa , ~i~ ~a~ec t y. lie's aloft ` of a tttassive ~ ~tyar. D-Naywsrd, d~ iaffodused ciadoa of Hay Ares Governmenir do iba SB io4, a Mil flat would create s tent ptanetng will ssi~lag staff fled getliag " .. t l Cll C~ ~ UQ ~S y Llndt~lia6le $ppeal Nia"° tO aqR tba bo . w'tas ~ is hoi-es h that- tasiW oxen~ a~ +ease on it-ate ert ~ e- ; " ' powers anthortty to determine tie exact 111tasClal support ~ prNrete llttl~'Y. lottttwn of sorb a pslLway. It also woaW lsteraeted cittiQeas sad .local ~xcrn- pr p np the oemtional dettnrr auto cdti streets cam approprtttla lutute for the study, wUch b aatsntx he alga la looldag Into etclrttng to be completed by Jan. 1.19lY. tKste sources Ute a Had for partt< and Ig th,.a tNak of a cart o/ ~~eal dbjeettaas to state &n BW ~ ~~ to ctrcle ~ ~ . LnCkyet ~ ~ ~ wW approve =300 090 to altetclt a trsll mutts ~ , i-t is:ae rt111 is how mute aloaey tetxeatioa rerestch sad. development, • sAoald be spear oa the protect sad tit sere i! the work eao bs tbae wWtttut' ' fF s t0 estaWiab a ~Ya'~ t~ bicycle and;petteatt3sn ppth around'San , and defetmioe the coat ~ txeatlnj #, Petitaps DayaWe derdopmettt a wild- when the money wUt Qe found. The bit! adding to the taste txtdget, ao~r pruperes that 5300,000 be spient on SB 100 is ta.k eosslderad by the Sen- Fraociaoo ~y ~ How wtS tt 60 scree Motte~tt Fk1tt oe life sad butt 3attctuA~ watt blodt the tlsi! at tOq a'Ia1Fr ptatsaa. the ptann[ag work alone - as uonc- ate Local Goveromeat Committee itr Geptpbts omonat in RgtN of tie state goo- Fobruary. The coaeept of a ''Rlag ' " the t)aklatd or Salt F'ratteiaeo airpolts4 Perbttpe the ptsliWsl gnutioo of what etppteat s teanous fit-sacisl outlook. Aropnd t!-c 8ay, as Lockyer calls !t, tttckyer`a staff bss rooeeded that the wsrrsnts suPPart. Md N a way t.'an be - We can write a ~t o[ proHxts rtie think . ~~°~a~~ ~ , pNce could bs as little es i 100,1168. and found to misimtze ar ettminate tks plea- art! warthter eI tttate flnaodog, atlntlaj~ with st9toata. ~ 1 ~ tt~L ' _ it may. be the figure can be trimmed ring cops, tie bill Itseft deaervee aap~ eves tattler. but any sltable ettpendM port. Wittwut study, the trail csp t be exalw Ard 3~ we ~ rya' attcceedr. aced. u t+tay not pears wade dob~ k h A resit around tba by itas ern ttuiatt- worth tsvatiSattaS. .