HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-26-2005 Library Commission Minutes (2)CITY OF SARATOGA LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES DATE: January ~~, ~~~~ TIME: ~~ noon LA~`I~N: 'ornmunity Room Saratoga Libr~y ~3~~0 artog~ Avenue Saratoga ~ ~~70 1. fail ~~ order lair ipsteir~ calked n~ecti~ng to order at l~:o~ p.m. ~. Roll fall o~ni~sione~rs Fres~nt: Lipstein, hiou, Crove~, Lemmo~a, i~a~, stone om~ni~~ioner Excused: Thirumle ethers Present: ount~ l~~brarian crvantes, ~omrnunxty ~i~rarian Dolly Barks, Arty ~ommis~ion Liaison Taylor, p'rie~ds of aratoa l~ibrarics ~cpresentatives President Mango Bill l1~cDonnell, staff Liaison Bugs, Assistant pity I1~anaer h,orie Tin~o~r, pity lerl~ Cathleen Boyer ~. Report on po~tin of the Agenda Burns rcp~rted that pursuant to government bode section ~4~4.2, the agenda for this rrreeting eras properly posted on ,Tanuar~r ~~, ~~~. 4. Accept Agenda Items and order Gro~rerll~ilan. moved to accept a~en.da as presented. Motion passed ~-~-1 v~ith Thirumal~ absent, ~. Approval of IViinutes of December 1, ~~0~, Meeting of the Library nmmission Lemmonl~rrover moved to accept the Dccc~~~r 1, 2~0~. Motion passed -~-1 v~~th Thirumale absent. G. oral ~ Written 'ommunication Burns distxibuted ~om~nision rrlail received at the it~r. • Dccembcr ~', ~~~5 - Email .from Her~ta.ge Freservatlon ommislon regard~n the 4th Annual Mustard ~.11~ • ~~05 ALTA arkshop Flyer 7, old Business A. Possible X005 Library Ballot 1Vlea~ure Cervantes eras not present to provide a~ update on this item. B. 0510 Library ~ammission fork plan Update Barnes, Milan, and ipsteir~ volunteered to paxtioipate on the subeommitte to dra~~ the SIG V~orl~ Plan. ~, Installation of Antenna and Flagpole Update - Burns, staff Liaison Burns reported that the community Development Department red ected. the first dcsim. t], permanent recognition to the donors of the "Furnishing the Future Fund" McDonnell reported that a volunteer instaalcd the plaques. . Library ignae ubco~nmlttc~ Update Milan reported that the subcommittee flan and ross~ mat with tViatt ~oval~avich, Sevin 11rlee, Patricia Bailey ~Heri.taga Preservation on~rnission}~ I~o11y Barnes, and Sri burns an December ~, ~~~4. The group a~recd on site fer the proposed sign, ~rhey also agreed that tie sign sheuld ~~ rou~~ly the same sire and design as the sign on artega Avenue. F. ~esi Hated Parl~in for ~r~ends of the ~arato~a Libraries Volunteer Update -Tinfow, Assistant City Manager Tinfow reported that the yellow eu~h ~~ been changed to allour non-commercial vehicles to land and unload. . Library Construction Project List - Tinfow, Assistant pity Manager Tinfa distrihut~d the report and revieured the progress to date, S. Ne~v Business A. Chiidre~'s Library ervlces -~ Baker, Children's Librarian Ba~e,r distributed several dyers sl~awcasing events offered by the arataa library such as Valcn~ine stories and Crafts, flue and o ostu~nes for ~idsy ~anta~sy~Adventure Boob flub, and the upcarriin $umme~` eadir~g Program, ~. R,eports~ A. Melinda Cervantes, County Librarian • The rr~anth of February is officially "Silicon Valley heads Month". This year's boob is "epitaph of a Peach: Four seasons on y Family Parma" by I~av1d Naas 1Vlasumato, N~. Masuoto has been scheduled for several speal~i ng engagements duri ng the month of ~"ebruary, • JPA is going forward w1th a NXay ~, ~~~5 fail Ba11ot. TPA will meet tarnarrow to review the ba]~ot language. • SPA has started to worl~ on the ~~r~~ ~pcrating Budget to be presented to the Board of upervisa~ in the early spring. ~ Tura new stfl'membars have ~eer~ hired at the Saratoga Library in the 1~.~~dren' scct~on. B. Muth Lipstein, Chair welcomed, the a new ommisi.oners Alice Chiou and Bennie stone. Re nested frarn staff co ies'of ~ p the Comrnissioncrs hand~ocl~ and introduced the new staffliaxson+ C'. Pe~~~' Barer, Curnmunity Librarian ~c report ~, Mary tau Taylor, Art Commission Li~-i~on to Library Co~nn~ission • Auriaunced that Bonnie Mane's worl~ is currently being displayed on. the Art wa11 slang with mother ar~1~t, • Arts ~araaission recently~uried 7~ artists} uhrnlssions .for an apportunlty to display the1r worl~ zn ~~~ on the Art walk, Taylor` gated that last year the Arts commission only received ~~ applications. • Stated that the commission is still working an the banner to hang an art wall that read "Saratoga Arts cornrnissian". Library ~~mmi~sion Minu~e~ P~g~ 2 ~f 3 ~ar~u~~y ~~, ~0~5 E. 1V~~rcia Nl~n~u, Friends ~f tie ~rato~a libraries Noted that the Friends donated $1,000 towards the County Lzbrary's ballot measure campaign. • Announced the 1`ollowing events sponsored ~y the Friends: ~ 1Vleia , ~~05 - andlot stories 0 1Vlarch ~, ~~5 - presentation by day Strand, Administrative erv1ces ~Vlanager, County Library ~ 1Vlarch ~.4, 2~0~ - "~rea~fast in the orchard" featuring David as Masumoto F. Cori ~~urns, tiff ~i~ison • stated that the City Council would present the Cannty witk~ a proclamation declaring the ~nontli of February "i~ican galley heads IVlonth". Burns asked if anyone from the County was available hat evening tQ accept the procla~natian. • Distributed an updated Commissian roster and a flyer on the new library ~n Seattle, ~Va~hington. 1~. Benda Items fir l~~t N~ee~ing - ~ebru~ry ~3, ~~~~ • Antenna ors Flag Pale • New Sign * Installatlan. ~f 11s belated to "Furnishing the Future' Campaign * warp Plan • Library Construction Proj ect List ~ SCL Finances - ~Y Strand 11, ~ldjournn~ent tonell~~ilan inaved to adjourn meeting at ~: ~~ p.~n. Motion passed ~-~-1 with Thiruale absent. Prepared by: Cathleen Boyer, CIVIC City lerl~ Library C~mmis~i~n Minutes Pale 3 ~f 3 ,~~nu~ry ~~, ~0~5