HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-1990 Parks and Recreation Commission AgendaAGENDA SARATOGA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TIME: February 8, 1990 - 7:30 PM PLACE: SARATOGA COMMUNITY CENTER 19655 Allendale Avenue, Saratoga, California (Senior Day Care Center) TYPE: Regular Meeting A G E N D A I. ORGANIZATION A. Roll Call B. Minutes (Meeting of January 8, 1990) C. Posting of Agenda (Agenda was posted on the City Hall Kiosk on January 31, 1990.) II. OLD BUSINESS None III. NEW BUSINESS A. GATE Program - Students' Presentations B. Park Appreciation Program IV. COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORTS A. Cleanup of Azule Park B. Recreational Use of Warner Hutton House C. Skateboard Ramp Rules V. COMMUNICATIONS A. Most recent draft of Open Space Needs Assessment Survey MEMORANDUM DATE: 1/31/90 T0: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Secretary, Parks and Recreation Commission SUBJECT: MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 1990 III. A. Students participating in the local GATE Program will give presentations to the Commissioners on their ideas for future park planning. Recommended Action: Review, critique and consider ideas presented for future use. B. A Park Appreciation Program, as suggested some time ago by Commissioner Gilman, will be discussed. This program is included in the City Council agenda of priorities, policies and programs for the upcoming year. Recommended Action: Encourage Commissioner Gilman to spearhead the initiation of this program with the support of staff and the other Commissioners. IV. A. A one-time cleanup of Azule Park has been requested by the Greenbriar Homeowners Association. They have offered to donate money for this project. Pruning of the trees would take place in order to facilitate proper discing of this undeveloped part. We have contacted the California Conservation Corps to obtain their assistance. At Monday night's meeting, staff will bring you up-to-date on this project. M E M O RAN D U M Page 2 February 5, 1990 B. Joan Pisani will report on the recreational uses planned for the Warner Hutton House once it is moved on-site. Recommended Action: Provide input and direction to Joan. C. Proposed skateboard ramp rules as suggested by the Youth Commission will be presented for your review and critiquing. Recommended Action: Finalize and approve rules for use of the skateboard ramp at Congress Springs Park in March when it is projected to be completed. V. A. A draft and schedule of events in conjunction with the Open Space Needs Assessment Survey is attached for your information. Please let Marlene know if you will be unable to attend this meeting. (867-3438) mt `~ "D~ ~'rinidad ecretary Attachments FIGURE 3B : WARNER MUTTON FLOOR PLAN __ ~ F= R I 1 8 ~ 26 MOIORE I ACOFAHO GOLTSMAh1 P - 02 • ~ ~ .tlOn7 ,,nit r~ lsaz F;frh Scoot gorkniny GA 947'1G 415/845-7549 MEMORANDLrM TO: "Tsvia Adar, Saratoga Planning Department FROM: Jim Oswald, MTG SUBrECT: Proposed Schedule for City of Saratoga Park, Recreation and Open Space Needs Assessment Survey DATE: January 19,1990 This memorandum summarizes our conversation of Thursday, January 78 regarding the schedule for revising, pilot testing, administering and preparing summary results for the City of Saratoga Park, Recreation and Open Space Needs Assessment survey. As we discussed, here is our schedule: By Wednesday, January 24 Revised survey instrument returned to City , for final review. February 1 Receive final edits from City. February 5 - 9 Pilot test survey instrument. February Y2 - 7.6 Finalize survey instrument; prepare for survey administration February 70 Survey administration begins. March 26 - 30 Circulate draft summary results. Tsvia, please review this schedule and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. Othnr Off;em Washington DC + -JF~N-24-'?!-a LlEL~ i e - S3 MUOP.E I ACi=SFr=,t•a~7 GGLTSMHN P _ 432 ,.:. aF;~;,.~ rw, City of Saratoga ~~` `' open Space Assessment Survey I - ~ ~-_~ Hello, my name is and 1 am conducting a community survey for the City of Saratoga. We're interested in gathering your thoughts and 'ideas about parks, recreation and open space opportunities in Saratoga. The results of this survey will play an important role in planning the future of the carnmunity's parks and open space areas. This survey should take about 15-2Q minutes. Oo you have time to participate? (If yes, say thank you and proceed; if na, say thank you) Interviewer 01 02 Q3 04 OS 06 07 pia 09 10 11 12 LK AR Time of Day 1a 11 12 1 2 am am pm Day of week 1 2 a 4 5 m t w th f 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 s Neighborhood/Area 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. i2 13, 14. 15. 16. Gender 1. Male Ethnic Background 1, White 2. Black 2. Female 3. Hispanic 5. Other Q, Asian Pm R~~#: ~ pAT~~ ~, WT; I T~~ TIME: ~ ~ , DAY; ~ GEN: ~'T _~ EB: L~~~ ~ .T ,:=~N-'~-}-'~c~ LJEL~ 1 ~ ~4 MC~r~R.E I AC:QFHN~~ ~~C~LT'~MAhJ ~• ~~ ,'r ... ~; City of Saratcga Open Space Assessrrent Survey .~,~ Fage 2 l~ d I would like to begin by asking you a few general questions about parks, open space and recreation. 1. What are your favors#e recreation or leisure activities? 1a 1b 2. What percentage of your recreation or leisure time is spent at home(on your own property) What percentage is spent at public facilities (such as parks, playgrounds, etcj 2a 2b ~~ Perception of Open Space 3. What do the words "open space" mean_to you? 3a 3b 4. How would you describe the character of existing open space in Saratoga to a friend who has never been here? ~~ 4a 4b 5. Open space may be characterized by specific physical features or environs-rental elements. As i read the following list, please rank order each item in terms of how important it is to your conception of open space.' o n o ® o c o c ~ ~ Most Important Least Important A. how density housing t0 3. OO ® OO © O ® 90 ~ B. Natural, undisturbed hillsides O ~ OO ® ~ ~~ ~ C OO C. Abundant vegetation C> ~~ ~ .~ ~ 7 OO D, Undeveloped land '/ ~ OO ~ OO © ~ C O E Agricultural fields O C2~ ~ ® ~ ~ ~~' ~ ~ ~o~ F. Recreational parks ~ ~ O ® ~ © O ~ OO ~ J'iNFJ-'~4-'~0 WEL 1 E• =~4 r•1O~JRE I i=1C=QFHF~L1 Gfr~LT:=:t'lf-iha F• _ Ei4 - ~•a `.r! ' City of Saratoga Open Space Assessment Survey Page 3 l~~-~ b G. Neighborhood parks H. Large set-backs from street i. Open front yards J. Tree-lined streets Most Important Least Important O ~ ~ ® OO ® O ® ® ~ Patentlai Planning Policies for Future Park and Open Space Areas 6. in providing new parks and open space areas, the City may proceed in a variety of directions. Please indicate what potential policies or directions you think are desirable for the improvement of open space, parks and recreation service in Saratoga on a scale from very desirable, somewhat desirable, somewhat undesirable or very undesirable. Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Don't KnowlNo Desirable Desirable Undesirable Undesirable Op(nlon Acqutstlon of new areas A. Acquire and develop more parkland for recreational use. B. Acquire parcels to maintain as low usage open space C. Acquire parcels to develop several small parks rather than one larger park. D. Use City General Fund money to acquire school sites if they become available. E. Acquire all or a portion of agricultural lands to secure them for future park or open space use. F. Dedicate areas of scenic preservation, Utillzatlon of available areas G. Use easements on private private property which have already been dedicated for hiking and equestrian trails. OO OO 0 OO ® OO ® © C;/ C UO ~~ rJ OO OO 2Q OO ~ CO O Q 0 O Q -JAF~-'~4-'~+« WED 1 1 ~ _ M4C~F:E I H~_ OF'NFal7 GOLT =:Mi=i Fa F' _ Ei:~ City of Saratoga Open Space Assessment Survey ~ ~ ~ Pa e 4 9 Very Somewhat .:z Somewhat Very Don't KnowiNo Desirable Desirable Undesirable Undesirable Opinion H. Work with the School District Q ® OO Q to develop joint-use recreation facilities on school sites. 1, Utilize existing watercourses UO ® O G O (i.e., Saratoga Creek) for trail use. J. Work with Southern Pacific O ® O O rJ Railroad to develop the railroad right of way for trail use, Annexation K. Annex county lands in the OO ® © OO rJ western hillsides to manage development in those areas. Development Standards L. Establish stricter controls on Q ® OO Q ,O private property owners in order to preserve views and the feeling of open space. L. Establish standards for tree OO ® OO C ~ preservation. 7. Are there any other potential policies or programs which you think the City should consider? 7a 7b ~ I 8. Would you support the acquisition of open space regardless of whether you would use it frequently? 8a 8b _7Nt-~- ..•4--'~4~ 4JED 1 E. Sr. M~1+-~F'E I H~_ ~JFf~t-a~7 Gi~L T:=: t•1~it-a F' 0r _ Lf j_ 3H Ci;y or Saratoga Open Spac e Assessment Survey Page 5 Open Space Needs and Activities 9. !'d now like to ask you about recre ation faciliti es and programs. As !read t hrough a list, please indicate whether you th ink the facilit y or program needs much improvement or exp ansion, some improvement or expansion needed or no improvement or ex pansion nee ded. Much Some No Don't Know/ Improv/Expan Improv/Expan Improv/Expan No Oplnlon Needed Needed Needed A. Playgrounds ® OO Q ~ B. Walking or hiking trails ® ~ ® O C. Bicycle trails ar paths ® OO © Q D. Equestrian trails or stables C~ OO ~ Q E. Par Courses ~ ~ ~ ~ F. Active sports fields C ~ ~ TO G. Connecting trail network ~ OO OO ,O H. Tennis courts ® ~J C~; t0 I. Famiiy Picnic Areas ® C © t0 J. Group Picnic Areas ® .'3; ~ O K. Swimming pool s OO © 'J L. Agricultural Interpretive Center ) OO ~ O M. Environmental education ~ O OO ,O areas/interpretive eco. preserve N. Recreational parks ® OO C ~ 0. Neighborhood parks ~ 'J OO ,O F Activities for children ® ~ 2U C Q. Activities for teens ® O ~ C R. Activities for seniors ® ^3_. OO t0 S. Arts and cultural programs O O 20 t0 T. Areas and activities for ® ~ OO ~ people with disabilities 10. Are there any o#her recreation or open space improvements which you think are needed in Saratoga? 10a -JtaF-~-"='4-'~k~ WEU 1 r. Wit=. r•7i~C~F'E I i=~G~~Fi=~Np GQLT _-r'1i~ha F• _ 4~ -- - _.. n: City n. Saratoga Opan Space Assessmant S~~rvey Page 6 t -z-~-9o Potential Funding Sources 11. Several strategies for obtaining additional funds far open space, parK and recreation improvements have been proposed. As i read each of the following strategies, please consider whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the strategy. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don't Know/ Agree Agree Disagree Disagree No Oplnlon A. Residents of Saratoga should OO ~ OO 20 O tax themselves through a band measure to pay for park and recreation improvements. B. User fees should be charged rJ n ~ ^~~O for specific facilities such as pools, baElfields, etc. C. The City should encourage C~ rJ OO `'2: O sponsorship of parks by local corporations or organizations (e.g., "Adopt-a-Park" programj. D. The City shouid give priority C~ ~ OO D ~ io parks and recreation programs when allocating surplus General Fund monies. 12. To what extent would you be willin g to pay for more open space , parks and /or recreation facilities through a spec ial taxpayers' assessment on a scale from very willing to pay, somewhat wiliing or not wilii ng to pay. jRead scale as necessary] Very Somewhat Not Don't Know! Wilting Wilting Wlliing No Opinion To Pay To Pay To Pay A. Approximately $ 5.00 per ® OO © ~ month for the average home which would pay for approximately 1 acre of parkland per year. B. Approximately $ 8.00 per ® O ~ ~ month for the average home which would pay for approximately 2 acres of parkland per year. C. Approximately $12.00 per ® O month for the average home which would pay for approximately 3 acres of parkland per year. ' -JHha-~-*-'_iG_i WELD 1 r S ~ M~~~=iRE I iii= GFi1NG GOL_T'=:Mraha F' . Ei:_ _ _~r :'R City of Saratoga open Space Assessment Survey Page 7 13. To what extent would you be witting to pay for park maintenance through a special taxpayers' assessment on a scale from vary willing to pay, somewhat wilting or not willing to pay. Very Somewhat Not Don't Know/ Willing Willing Willing No Opfnlon To Pay To Pay To Pay A. Approximately $ .06 per ® ~ 20 C month for the average home which would pay for the maintenance of i acre of parkland per year. Current Park and Open Space Use 14. In general, how often do you use parks or open space areas in Sartatoga Two er more times a week, once a week, tvJo or more times a month, once a month, several times a year, seldom or never? Two or Once Couple Once Several Seldom more times a week times a month times or Never a week a month a year © © ® ~ 0 0 15. As I read through a list of activities, please tell me how often you do these activities in the parks or open space areas, either atone or with oth ers Two or Once Couple Once Several Seldom more times a week times a month times or Never a week a month a year A. Walking © © ® OO ~ t0 B, Bicycling © OO ® C~ ~ t0 C. Running or jogging ® UD 'J ~^~. 'J t0 D. Picnicking/barbequing © O ® O O O E. Spectator sports © OO ~ C © O F. Tennis C OO ® OO C t0 G. Team sports © OO C OO C2. ~ H. Children's play © C a0 G ~ ~ I. Sunbathing C O ® `~ O O J. Dogwalking ~~ C ® C ~ O K, Socializing rJ 9 ® O O O _THt-a-24-'_+t~ WED 1 r. ~ _ ti . r•1c~C~F~E I AC:OFi~t•~G GQLT'1Mi=~t-a F' C_9•_.a _ -. `72 City o` Saratoga Open Space Assessment Survey Page ? ~ Two or Once Couple Once Several Seldom more times a week times a month times or Never a week a month a year l.. Meetings © ~ ® OO OO O M. Aerobics ® OO ® C 'J ,O N. Meditation © O ® O O ~ 0. Bird-watching ® OO ® ~ G2` O GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION To finish up, I have a few questions for general background information. 16. How long have you been living in Saratoga? [# of Years] ~___ 17. Do you own or rent your place of residence? 1. Own 2. Rent 18. What is your current employment status? 1. Working away from home 4. In between jobs 2. Working at home 5. Unemployed 3. Retired 6. Student 19. What is your occupation? 1 Construction 2 Agricultural 3 Legal 4 Sales 5 Business Professional 6 Service 7 Government/PublicService 8 Clerical 9 Other:.. _ t9 20. Where do you work? [or] Where does the person in your household who works away firom home work? 1. in Saratoga 2. Other, in Santa Clara County _ 20 u 3. Other; .Ti=7Fa-'~4-•~t_i 4JEU 1 E• S:3 f•1Qi1F.:E I i1CUFHNL~ i~L~LT'3MAhJ P 1 E~ City of Saratoga Open Space Assessn;ent Survey _ ::a;t~~~ :59 Page 9 -2~~9b 21. Which age category describes you best? Q NA 3'~ NA m NA ® NA ® 18-25 ~ 26 - 35 ~ 36 - 50 ~ 51 - 64 ® 65+ 22. Including yourself, how many people live in your household? [Write in number] 23. What are the ages of other persons in the househoid? O Under 2 O Under 2 O Under 2 ~~ Under 2 ~ Under 2 OO 2-5 © 2-5 OO 2-5 ~^ 2-5 OO 2-5 ~ 6-10 J 6-10 OO 6-10 ~ 6-10 30 6-10 ® 11-17 ® 11-17 ® 11-15 ~ 11-17 © 11-15 © 18-25 ~ 18-25 OO 16-18 OO 18-25 16-18 ® 26 - 35 ~ 26 - 35 ~ 26 - 35 © 26 - 35 s 26 - 35 8 36-50 J 36-50 ~ 36-50 © 36-50 .^7. 36-50 ® 51 - 64 ~ 51 - 64 ® 51 - 64 ~ 51 - 64 .~ 51 - 64 OO 65+ ~ 65+ ® 65+ C 65+ `~ 65+ 24. The City is compiling a mailing list to keep peopie informed about planning issues. Would you Pike to add your name to the list? [If yes, ask respondent to sign mailing list] 1. Yes 2. No 25. Is there anything else you'd like to say about things not covered on the survey? 1 • Yes 2. No 26. Additional Comments 26a 26b ~. ~_ 26C That's all the questions l have ...Thank you for your time and participation.