HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15-2006 City Council Minutes~11~ V 1 AI~A,TI~A ~~TY ~~UNI~ ~'E~R~JAR~ ~ , ~~0~ The pity council of the pity of Saratoga held a Joint Meeting with the Youth . o~n~ission ~ the Adix~inistrt~v conference ~oo~n, l X777 Fru~itvale Avenue, at 5 ~ 0 p. ~ . The following youth omn~issione were preset; hail Phillip Baker, Amit Arunkun~ar, Jennifer drown, Kelly Burke, Michael Byrne, Tanya Gupta, Tamara ll~alt~el, Pratik Pra.anik, Elli Re~aix, Elise chwaxt~, Ted clavos, Steven shepherd, and staff Liaison Adam Hei~g. ~'outh ~om~nlssion Training - . onlissxoners Pra~nanik and Ait ar ~- explained that on September 10, X045 the'Youth ~oinn~ission held their annual training. Thin year is was an overnight event ending with a rafting trip. - indralsln~ ~on~missioner Cu to ~- explained that this year they shied from f~ndraisirig to fee based p activities. o far they've bad four events: Krispy ~rerne ~ D~O~ celebrate . Saratoga 1, ~ ~~, Annual Appeal $9~~, bevy's 1 ~~, bustard walk $7~. Dances oi~issioners clavos and Rezaii -~ Hated that the first dance only l students attended, their most recent dance attendance was appraxirnatety ~ ~0. The o~n~nission is workin on makin the entrance and coat check rrrorc efficient. Also, their new ~J, Dr. g ~ Paul, is a huge hit. concerts ~onlmissioners Baker and Nlaltiel ~- explained that the omission has held nine concerts since they last spoke to the council. Approximate 7S people attend each concert. ~n lVlarch they wall have their first concert in the oinunity tenter. nova Trl ~ . onnnissxoners h herd and chwart~ -~ reported that the '~~ Annual snow trip was a . . hu a success compared to last year. This year the trip With held wry the qty of .. Bunn ale. Saratoga had 3~ participants whereas, Sunnyvale only had 9. They served y~ muffins and drinks on the way there. The on~miss~on feels the trip. was a success because of the advertising campaign. " YAK Attack oimriissioners Brown and baker -reported that this dear the Saratoga Youth ~ainmission vras in charge of two sessions at the manual YAK Attack conference. The 'reworking on a debate over the pros and cons ofthe popular Internet site called "My Space" and the other session will be on public speaking. J Transplant Lecture ~, Commissioners Burke and Byrne -- reported that since last year their idea of a film festrval failed they have been th~nking of what to do this year. fiver the past six months they have been working on a lecture series in eon~unctlon with "National Transplant Awareness Month". ~n April , ~00~ from 7~~~ p.m. - :~~ p.m. ~n the Clvie Theater, the Youth Cornr~.issian will be sponsoring three speal~ers lecturing on the becoming a donorx how it's dine, and personal stories. They plan an asking for donations at the Boar. Mayor Kline suggested finding sponsors. Couneiln~embers waltonsmith Hated that she was extremely impressed with the Youth Commissioners. deferring to the recent Community Survey, Councilrnerriber King stated that Teen er~ices was ranked #~. Counciln~ernber King asked what can the Council, offer the youth in Saratoga. Chair Baker replied that the Youth Carxu~nisslon would like to see the warner l~uttan Douse could be renovated and used youth actrv~tles, ' Mayor Kline asked 1f youth actrvlt~es were an appropriate use for the house, Chair Baker noted that the Youth Commission has history in the pause and it's adequate for small groups. Mayor Kline thanked the Youth Commission far attending tonight point meeting. The City Council net in Closed esslon in the Administrat~ve Conference Roorn,1~77 Fruitvale Avenue, at ~:1 ~ p.rn. C~NFENCE VVITIrI LEAS CDUNSBL~-BITING LITIATI~N Name of case: Jackson v. Saratoga Union Nigh School District et a1 Santa Clara County Sup. Court Case No.1-01-CV-80595} ~Cov't Code section 5495G.9~a}} N~AY~R' I~EP~T ~N CLOSED JON Mayor Kline reported there was Council discussion but na action was taken. Mayor Kline called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:0~ p,m. and led the Pledge ofAlleiance. ~iI~J~J l,~~J~J PRESENT; Councilmembers Kathleen King, Nick Streit, Ann waltonsrnith, Vice Mayor .Aileen Kao, Mayor Norman Kline J~BSENT: None AI1~ Dave Anderson, City Manager PI~SENT: Richard Taylor, City Attorney Cathleen Boyer, City Clerk Michele Braucht, Administrative services Dzreckar Jahn Livingstone, community Development Director John herbone, Public works Director Joan Pisani, ~ecreatian Director RL~P~RT ~~' CITY LARK IAN P~T~N ~~' AGENDA ~I~ ~E~~UARY l~ 2006 Cathleen Boyer, qty clerk, repacked that pursuant to overn~nent bode section ~454,Z, the agenda for the meeting of February l ~, ~OOb, was properl~r pasted on Febary 9, 2045. ~~AL 1VIUNY~ATII~N The following person requested to speak at tonight's meeting warren Lam. shire noted that he was the hairpersan far the pity's ~ ath Anniversary p community Parade, which will be held an epternber 24, 240, Mr. Lampsh1re noted that Kotary has co~ruriitted appraxi~nately 75 °Io of the parade costs, plus volunteer participation from the l Z n~e~nbership. Mr. lJapshire noted that they have ca~nmitments firorzi many organisations including high schools and Middle School bands, Saratoga Fire Department, sheriffs ~ff~ee, flubs, and private groups, Mr. Lampshire asked for the pity's assistance ~n the following ways: provide lrabllxty insurance far parade day, waive all permit requirements and fees, and public Works staff support of closing off streets. Mayor aline thanked Mr. Lampshire for the update. ouncilrne~nber ding asked r. Lampshire to invite the pity council of the pity of Cupertino to participate in the parade. ~UN~IL D~l~'~~N T~ TA" ~auneilmernber King asked ifthe vunexl would consider waiving the fees far the parade. ~ouncilmembez Streit stated it was already budgeted. ~~VIMUNI'ATY~N ~'R~M BOARDS AND '~11~~III~N Phillip Baker, halrlaratoa Youth onxmision thanked the ounc~l far ~nvlting them to participate 1n a ~o~nt ~neet~ng earlier this evening. chair Baker surnxnari~ed the past year's events. chair Baker thanked the pity for their ongoing support. chair Baker stated that the Y'ou~h oir~ision would like to see the warner button douse dedicated to the youth of the pity, ~[1NYL DZE~T~~N T~ T.AF~` done 3 ANN~IJNEl1~ENTS Done C'EREIVI~NIAL ITEMS lA. PRO~LAMATI~N DEI~ARIN THE wEEI~ OF I~IARH G-11, ~a4G AS ~;SYNI~E FA~~ '~VEEI~" STAFF R.E~'I~NIENDATY~N; present proclamation. Mayor 11ne read the proclamation and presented it to prem~a Rav, Board member, Santa Clara Science and Engineering Fair Association. SFEIAL PIiESENTATI~NS ~.A~ DDLLY SANH~'~A.L, VTA BARD ~F DIRET~~ STAFF R.EOMENDATI~N: Informational only. dolly Sandoval Hated that she was an the Cupertino pity Council. ouncilmen~ber Sandoval explained that she was the representative for the area on the Valley ~'ransportation Authority ~VTA} Board far the next two years acid Mayor Kline was her alternate. Councilinernber andaval intraduced Jirn Lawson, Government Affairs anagerlVTA.. Mr~ Lawson thanked the Council for inviting hi~n to tonight's meeting. Mr. Lawson provided an overview of the VTA as January 20~~. r. Lawson explained the history behind Measure ~., expenditure plan develapinent, annual sales tax pro~eetions, new projection by VTA, projections by other Cities, VTA scenario with new proj eet~ons, ands upcoming actl~n. Mayor aline thanked Couneihneber Sandoval and r~ Lawson for thou presentation. ~NSENT CALENDAR 3A ITS' ~~I~NIL MINUTES ~- FEBI~UAR~ 1, ~~0~ STAFF I~EC~MMENDATII~N; Approve minutes. 'TREI~`IwALT~~MITH V~ED '~~ APP~VE MINUTES OF FEBRUAI~~ I, Z~~. ~TIGN PA.ED 5-a. ~, - B. C~IEI~ KEITH FAR 4Z147~~OU~ STAFF REC~MENDA'I'I~N: Approve register, 4 TREITIALTNM~TH MOVED T~ APPROVE HEM REINTER. MOTION PASSED 5-0. ~, i iIGA LJ~R~ ~~~1 ~~~ 1 H~ ~I~TH ~~~~~ ~1~~~ ~~~~ ~'.Al' F ~1ViF~DATI~N• Accept and file report. ST~EITIALT~NSMITH MOVED TO APT TREASURER REPOT FDR THE 1VI~NTH ENDED DEEIVIBER X005. MOTION PASSED 54-~. ~D. REVIIDN TIC THE APPROVED RES~LIJTI~N APPR~~'IN~ THE ANNEXATION' IMF LANDS AT ~ 934 ARATI~~AlL~ ATE R~A.D STAFF RECOIVIM~NDATION: Approve revised Reolutlon approving petition for annexation to the,ity of Saratoga and detachment from the Cuadalr~pe Resource conservation District. RES~LIJTION: O-409 STEITIALT~NM~TH MOVED TO ADAPT REMISED RE~LUT~~N APPR~VIN PETITION FOR ANNEATIO~I TO THE CITY ~F ARAT~OA AND DETAHENT FR~1VI THE OUADALUPE RESOURCE ONER~ATIO~ DISTRICT. 11~OTIOI~ PASSED ~w0. 3E. ~04~ AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS ~ APPROVAL OF PURCHASE STAFF REOIVII"~ENDATI~N; 1. Approve the purchase of ~~a6 digital aenal photographs. ~, Authorise the pity Manager to execute the aerial Agreement between pity and The bounty of Santa Clara. Vice Mayor I~ao requested that item ~~ be removed firan~ the Consent Calendar. Re~'errin to page tvvo ~f the taffreport exp~air~ing the its s~iare ofthe costs, Vice Mayor I~ao asked what the charge of1,5aQ for Delivery Media entailed. Director Chrbone responded that it's fir the delivery and installation oI' the maps onto the pity's system, ~AO~ALTONSIVIITH 1ViOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF X406 DIGITAL AERIAL PHDTOORAP~I .AIJTHOR.I~E THE ITV MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AERIAL AOREE~'IENT BETWEEN ITV AND THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA. M~TI~N PASEDS-0. 3FF MOTOR VEHICLE RESOLUTION - VEINO ROAD ! NO PARKING SIGN STAFF I~EC~MIVIENDATI~N: Adopt resolution. 5 ~~LUTI~N: NIV-~49 T~TIwALT~I~N~~Tbi ~D TO ADAPT N~~TOR VF~xCLF E~LUT~~N ADDING ~ NO PARKING ~~ ZINC READ. ~TION PAID 5-4, ~ ~TI~R VF~~CLE REGLUTI~N PR~HIBIT~NG PARKING ~~ PRGPECT RDAD STAFF RFC~NYIVIENDATIGN: Adopt resolution. REOLUTI~N: M~~~B TR~IT~wALT~NIT~ ~~ED T~ .ADOPT IVIDTGR V~FHICLF RESOLUTION PR~~IIBITIN NI~'PAR~NG ~N PI~I~~P~CT ROAI]. oTr~~v ~A~D ~~. 3H. ANNUAL PUBLI~IINC OF STATE C'DNTRDLLER REPORT STAFF RECDIVIENDATIDN: Accept the report. TITIwALT~NITH 11~~~~D T~ ACCEPT ANNUAL PUBLI SIN DF STATE CDNTRLLER REPORT. NI~TIDN PAFD 5-4, PUBLIC HEARINGS Kane OLI] BUSINESS ~. KEVIN iVIDRAN PARK IIVIPROVEENT PRGJECT - TI~VIE EXTENIGN REI~UET STAFF R.FCI~NINIENI]ATII~N: Approve a time extension for submission of Sevin 11~oran Parr design plans from 1Vlarch 1, 2a~~ to March 1, ~O~. Sohn herbone, Fublic works Director, presented staff report. Director ~herbone explained that at the January 4, 2aa~ qty ouncl~ ~neetln, council directed staff to schedule tvvo meetings with the AMP Task Force to develop design puns for the park. Further direction included a March 1, ~O~ due date for submission of an initial deign to the council. Director ~herbane explained that same Task Force Members were unavailable during the chart window of time available to schedule a meeting. currently a Task Force meeting has been scheduled for February ~7, which has been confirmed by all Task Force members Director Cherbone explained that in order to have enough time to hold a meeting ar~d prepare design plans for ub~isian to Council, It is uecesary to request a e extension from the an lnal suhmisslan date of March 1 ~` to March 15~h. tam g Marty Goldberg, SIP Task Farce Member, requested that the Cauncll approve the time extension to March 15~~', Mr. aldberg noted that Task Farce would also meet an March 27~~'. ALT~NMfT~ ITREIT MOVED TD ET~ND THE TIIVIE FNI~,.,F ~ IAN ~EVIEw ~'~ 1V~~~~'H ~ NTH ,AND LLD THE ~'IRT DES MEETINGS EVEN IF ONLY DNS TA~EHLDE~ ~~~ EAR SOUP ~ULD ATTEND], MOT1~N PAED 5-~. ar~sensus of the Council to move item ~ before item 5. NEw BUSINESS 6. SARATOGA VILLAGE BANNERS -- DONATION BY SARATOGA VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (SVDC) STAFF RE~IVIMENDATI~N: Approve Village banners designed and donated by VDC. John Cherbone, Public 'arks Director, presented staff report, Director Cherbone explained that VDC, a group carrzposed of merchants and residents interested in the appearance ar~d vitality of the Village, recently formed a sub-committee to design and purchase new banners for the Village. Director Cherbone noted that VDC proposes to purchase both the banners and the required hardware through their organization. The City's invalveent is the initial hardware installation and periodic change out bed on seasonal and maintenance needs. The pale hardware is universal in nature and could be used for other styles afbanners. Director Cherbone noted that the proposal was to insta114~ banners one on every other pole slang Big basin way. The poles which wouldn't have banners could be used far seasonal wreaths flags, and other decorations that the City places In the Village throughout the year. Director Cherbone noted that it was ~VDC' intention to improve the appearance of the Village and ca11 attention to the historic element of our unigne dawntawr~ making It mare en~ayable for all mho visit and wok there. Marylyn Marchetti stated that she was a n~ernber of the V'DC. Mrs. Marchetti explained the signihcanoe of the banner's design and added that they were ~V protected anal would last up to five years. Mayor aline thanked the VDC far the donation of the banners and Hated that they looped great Mayor aline asked if the City had a donation pal~cy. '7 Director herbone noted that the pity would be the caretakers of the banners and they would be reg~st~red as a donation from the S~D~. ,ALTDNSNJ~TI~1STlIT II~~VED T~ AEPT vILLAE BANNERS DESIGNED AND DONATED F~~ THE SAD. 1V~~TI~N PA.SSLD S-~. LLD ~USINSS 5. E~'~EHNI~AE EVALUATIONS ~DUNT'~ ISI~.ANDS: ANNEATI~N ~~~RA~VI STAFF ~E~1VIIVIENDATI~N; Receive report and provide direction to staff regarding annexation of the following #wo county areas: l . Prospect Road Area, l ~4 acres. ~. Hidden Hi11 Road Ares, 2~ acres. John Livingstone, community Development Director,presented staff report. Director Livingstone explained that on September 7, ~~~5 council reviewed a staff report requesting guidance an the expedited process being encouraged by the Local Agency Formation an~mission ~LA.F~}. At that time the Council asked staffto have a C~eotechnical evaluation prepared for two sites tha# meet the requirements far the expedited process Director Livingstone reported that a geotechnical evaluation was prepared by the City consultant, Cotton, Shire Associates, for the Prospect Road area and the Hidden Hill area. The report used a scale of ~-~ to rank the condition ofthe roadv~ay with the number 1 being a satisfactory condition and number indicating an active landslide. The Hidden Hill area identified in the report as the Southern Urban pocket received several rankings of 3. Prospect Road area identified as the I~orthe Urban Pocket received several rankings of 4 indicating recent severe . distress. ouncil~nerr~ber waltansrrxith asked if there weze any private roads in the Hidden i ~1ew area, Director Livingstone responded that the majority ofthe roads in Hidden Hill are maintained by the Jaunty, one chart road is a private road. In the Prospect Road and Rolling Hills areas they are currently maintained by the county and the other roads like Blue Hi11 Drive, Scenic Heights may, Arrowhead Lane, and a lot of #ingers off of thane street are private. Director Livingstone Hated that when you annex, private roads stay private ounci~mernber altansrnith asked #hat even if the road had a ranking that meant it needed work, it continue to be maintained by the property owner. Director Livingstone responded yes. S ounciln~erriber King explained that the bounty has agreed to bring the roads up to the. ~ to the 7a°Io level but they haven't agreed to fix the roads in bad condition Director Livingstone stated that the pity could negotiate indivYdnal fixes. ouncilrnerrlber Streit stated that over the years the auncil have talked about annexatioris but always were cautious because of road conditi~-ns or the risk of landslides. ~ his o inion these tow areas loop lest prone to landslides and If the i ~ roads were brought up to standards would it be firth annexing and accepting the roads. . Director Livingstone explained that if you take a million dollar home the pity would receive about 35~ dollars per year iri taxes. If you that t the 4~ parcels in the proposed annexation areas that would equal abut $ l ~,~~a per year taxes. Director Livingstone Hated that there w,as a rrla~or landslide in any ofthese areas the tax benefit would not cover the damage. Director herbone added that any road with a ranking of or ~ the risk is greater, Director ~herbone noted that he is more concerned with Prospect road and without mare research he would be very cautious on accepting Prospect Road. Mayor Klirie asked ifthe bounty would life us to accept these roads Director herbone responded yes. Mayor Kline noted that there's a meeting with the bounty hoard of upervisar on ~'eb 2St~ to discus TE.A. Mayor Kline Hated that he feels this annexation Issue could be tied into this type of neatlatlons. Mayor Kline noted that after reviewing the photos he feels there isn't enough lnforrnatian to make a decision. Director ~herbone agreed that there's not enough infoi~rnation to make a decision and would agree that a mare in depth analysis would need to be done. The following people requested to speak on this Item: Jiro Brand noted that he lived on Rolling Hills. r. Brand noted that his maj or cancan is that today was the first irldlC~tian he had regarding this item. 1VIr, Brand requested that if the pity pursues thl process, please include the nei ors. 5 Nancy Carlson Hated that she lived on Rolling Hills Road noted that she wanted to be involved in the process. Nora noted that she lived on Rolling Hills and it was her architect told her about his stein this rriorning. Nora requested that the pity inform them of the pros and cons ofbein annexed Into the pity. ouncilrnerriber King asked if notices were sent out. 9 D~rectar Livingstone explained that notices were not sent out The state has set up a process where there are no protest hearing and the bounty can just give the land to the cities council can give direction to staff to send out notices if the council decided to move forward with the annexation Director Livingstone responded yes. ouncilmenaber Streit stated that he is willing to annex these two areas unless adequate funding can be secured from the bounty. ounc~lrnem.ber waltonsn~ith noted that she concurred with ~ouncilrr~ember trelt. Mayor Kline Hated that his position is that he would like to have a goad relationship with the bounty, but it goes both ways, the Jaunty need to treat the 1ty ~alrly. Mayor Kline noted that the pity has recently have been discussing the return of the TEA. Mayor Kline suggested that the ity da nothing with this itarn until TEA is resolved. Mayor Kline added that anything the city could do to help the bounty should be postponed auncilernber Streit noted that his only concern with that approach is the strearril~ne process is only available to January 2~~'~, ouncrlmernber Streit asked Director Livingstone ~f the annexation has to be completed by that date or could it be in process. Director Livir~gstane responded that the annexations need to be completed Mayor Kline requested that this item be postponed for 3~ days. aunciln~ember King stated that she had an interesting conversation with a particular vunty supervisor that informed her that the bounty is going to tighten the planning process to make it match the Cities. our~cilmernber King stated that there is a strong drive at the bounty level that bounty packets match the cities. auncilmember King stated that she also thanks that there would be more knowledge in ~-9~ days. 1Vlayor Kline Hated he talked to the Mayor of Cupertino and he told hi~n that the pity of Cupertino has put all annexations an hold until TEA is resolved. Vie Mayor Kao added Mayor Kline how long would TEA take to be resolved. Mayor Kline said within ~ days. ansensus ofthe pity council to postponed this item for ~0 days, 1~ NE~"V B~JSINESS 7. INTERNAL SINKING F[JNDS (DESIGNATED ACCOUNT) FOR CITY OWNED PROPERTY STAFF ~E~IVIENDATI~N: Accept report and adopt resolution to direct staff to include xn ~~11 future lease agreements, of city^owned facilities} a provision that establishes a sinking fund designated accounts that addresses the long-term taintenance needs ofthe facility. The source of funding sha11 be identified in the lease agreement. RES~~UTIIN: ~G-411 loan Pisani, recreation Director, presented staff report. Director Pisani explained that the pity owns several facilities that are leased to non-profit groups. recent years the burden of the repair and maintenance of some of the buildings has been planed on the pity. A lease agreements expire, it has been recommended that the 1an~terzn maintenance needs be addressed in each new agreement. At the tlZn~ ofre-negotlat~Ons, It 1S recommended that the ~1ty identify in the agreement the responsibility and funding rhechanism fQr future facility repair and in~proverrrent pra~ects. Director Pisani described the city awned facilities currently being leased'by non- profit goups. STREITIwALT0~ISITH IVi~VED TO ADAPT ~ES~LL11'I~N T,~ ESTABLISH AN INTERNAL SINKING FUND DESIGNATED ACCOUNT FOR EACH CITY OWNED FACILITY. MOTION PASSED 5- 0. V 1 1 i ~ V +~/~ ~~ ~il ~Lt~~ ~~~ET ~~L/N~EN i STAFF ItE'14IENDATI~N. Accept report and adapt Resolution approving the amendments to the FY 2005-0~ Operating Budget and salary schedules. RESDLUTI~N; 4G-414 N~ichele Braucht, Administrative Services Director, presented staff report Director Braucht explained the proposed changes to the FY 05-4~ budget as follows: • TEA consultant Services fo~`m council contingency ~ Staff ng EquitylRetentionlareer ladder ~ Assistant Engineer far 1V~anagement of ~', STP and Pl'~IP Pray ectslcontracts ll ~ d~scuss~on took puce amongst the auncll regarding the TEA Consultant. City Manager Anderson noted that the contract would conne before Council for approval at theMarch 1, ~~~~ agenda. KTNIwALTONM~TH MOVED T~ ADAPT R~~~UT~N AN~~1yD~N TAE ~`Y ~-~~ ~PERAT~~ BUDGET, MOTION PAD ~-~. ABH~ A_El~''Y A~~NEI~T ,P Mayor Norman line reported the fallowing lnformatlon: Lll~rar~ ~o~nt Powers Aolatlon -~ awarded the County Library 50~,~~~. I~al~one Foundation - owes the City a Master Plan. Santa Clara Count Ewer enc Pre tiredness Council -strictly advisory Valley Transportation Authority P~. - lookif~g a quarter cent sales tax increase. . Vice Mayor Aileen K.ao reported the following in~`armation; Count Cities Association Le islati~ve Task Force -joint aeeting focused on Emergency Preparedness. ' County HCD Pal~cy omrr~lt~ce -~ would review grant appllcat~on tomorrow afternoon. Councilmen~ber Nick Streit reported the following infarmation~ Santa Clara Count Valle water Co.misslon -noted that rn ~00~ the make up afthe Board could change from 5 elected and ~ appointed to 7 appointcd n~e~nbers. west Valle solid waste point Powers Association - by March ~, ~~O a signed contract with. wVCR for the solid waste and recycling services for the JPA should be corr~pleted. west Valle~r anxtation District ~ approved sale of capacity for $7 million dollars to the City ofMilpitas. The funds have been restricted for CIP projects only. Cauncilmen~ber Ann waltons~nith reported the following information: Northern Central ~laad Control done Ad~risor~Bord -two important issues;l ~ Water l:~esource Protection ordinance, 2~ water District and County are pursing dissolving the County}s role ~n approving the District's budget. Saratoga Historic Found_atian -new exhibit focusing on the about the 1a~ earthquake in ~arataga, lister Cit Liaison -has asked far help teaching the English language to their students. several retired aratag teachers have offered to help. Councilrnember Cathleen Ding reported the following information: Peninsula Division Lea. ue of California Cities -two B ~ 2~4 Ethics training sessions are being offered to elected and appointed officials. The dates are March ~ and April ~. C~tzes Association-Joint Economic DevelOpnlent Palley Carnn7ltt~~ ~JEDPC~ Villa e AdHoc - on February 14~'' took a field trip to the City ofPleasanton's downtown area and noted that they have BID and a Business Association. l CITY ~UN~C~L STEM Councilrr~ember altonmlth asked when the tree in the Village mould be pruned, City Clerk Boyer stated that a xeport would he brought back to Caunei~ on March ~, ~o, CITE MANALR' REP~~~ lone AD,~~~J~NNIE~T there being no further business Mayor aline ad~~urned the meeting t :~o p,m. Respectfully submitted, Cathleen Boyer, CC City Clerk 13