HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 208 RESOLUTION NO. 208 xRESOLUTiON GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO CITY OF SARATOGA ~ UNINHABITEd. TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AM) DESIGNATED "'.SAR 1964-1"' A/~ GIVING NOTICE OF T~ A~ PLACE FOR ANY PROTESTS THERETO The City Council of the City of Saratoga does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to the provisions of the annexation ........ of uninhabited territory act of 1939, a petition signed by owners of not less than one-fourth of the land of the hereinafter described territory, by area and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Santa Clara, was filed with this City Council on October 21 , 1964, re- questing ann~xation of the hereihafter deS~"ribed territory to said City. SeCtign 2: Said territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Saratoga, hereby designated !"SAR-1964-1" is more particularly described on Exhibit 'A: attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3: That the Santa Clara County Boundary Commission ......... did in session duly assembled on September 8, 1964, consider the proposed annexation boundaries as above described, and as submitted to said Commission by the pro- ponents of said annexation, and has submitted its report thereon~ the LocalAgency Formation Commission, on October 6, 1964, in accord with the laws applicable there- to, has approved the proposed annexation to the City of Saratoga. Section 4: Wednesd December 2 1964, at the hour , at ~ouncil Chambers of the City of Saratoga locatedat the City Hall, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California, is hereby fixed as the time and place where the City Council will hear any written protests against the annexation made b any person owning real property within the territory to ~e annexed. Section 5: The City Clerk of this City is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be published at least twice, but not oftener than once a week, in a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Saratoga, the last publication to be complete at least 20 days prior to the date set for hearing. Section 6: The City Council hereby finding that said .............. annexation proceedings have been initiated by petition of all of the owners of all of the territory to be annexed, who have consented in writing that said territory be anmxed as aforesaid, it is hereby found that no other or further notice of said protest hearing is necessary. The above and foregoing Resolution was regularly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Saratoga at a meeting ~hereof held on the 21~ day of Octobe~ ....... , 1964 by the following vote: Councilmen Glennon, Drake, Hartman, Tyler, Burry NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ...... 8/J~.,., ~4 DIg.~ CR TPTION ~ C Lands of Bsnmuento ~o be that certain r~aZ pro.~erty situate in the Co,~.u~t,,'/ of S~ate of C~i fornia described ~e fol ~owe: BEGINNING at the ,Oo~;nt of intersect£on of the ao~t~ie~sterl?~ p~olon,?ation of ~h~ so~the~ line of ~o~ ~ as shown on that ce~f~i~ ,~ entitled "Amended ~p of the S~bdi~ision of th~ P~r~ R~noI~" f'~led in ~ook of Ma~s at ~ag6 90. S~'nt~ Clara Co~ty Roeorals, and tr~e southeasterly line of Parr Or Prospoet Road (40 feet ~oi,~¢) ~.~ :~,~3c~Ibed tn the Deed to the Cou~t~ of Sant~ Clar~ recorded in Book 90 or official Records. p~ge ?8. S~n~a Clara Coun~ Reoord~, .~ai~t eaaet~.,~ lln,~ ,~f t:'~.e ~arr or Prompter Ro~d 5~ing the Corporatm Limits of the Cit~ of g~ratoga a~ e~f~bltehed by .rneorp. o~at~on o~ O~tobe~ 22. 1..95~, tha~c~ ?roe $.~id corner of ~id ~ot ~ in the ~rr Ranoh. thence along the ~ost so~th- w~ste~l~ bo~nde~ of said lot ~ the follo~ain..~ eo~rses ~nd 4i~tanoes North 74e 15' West 50.1.6 feet. South 66° 2I' W~?st 55.44 f~et. North ~Ie 03' W~st 32.34 feet. ~o~th ~5° 43' W~.~t 49.5~ f~?t~ ,gout*~ ,~3~ I5' West 83.~2 feet. North ~8e ~9' West 48.~8 ~eet~ ,~rth 89° I~' West 71.~4 fegt. North 7~ 48' West 52.14 feet, ,Yorth 45e 35' W~st 5~.82 feet. North 27~ ~' West ~.88 feet. North ,~ 5~' V~st ~.~ ~e~t, North24~ 4~' Wast 6~.~ feet. N~rth 7~ 4~~ West 49. ::~ ~eet, South 80~ 00' .West ~?,7~ feet, North 54° 04' We~t ~3~.,~2 [eet ,~o~t7~ West 9~.74 f. et. No~th 82° 39' W. at ~8.00 fe~t. So~th 8.~' 0I' Vest ~07.~8 fee't to ~he Gemmen corner of lots 3. 4, ~nd ? in aai..~ ~r Rano~ ~henee ~lon~ the ~ommon ~ine .b,~t~sen ~ota 3 and ? N,~r~h X~' WeSt ~0 ~n ~dergro~nd granite monu~nt In the :~out.h~rl~ ~ne o~ tha~ oarrain pa~oel of land oon~yed to J.C. ~oth,~n :m~cor,=~,~d in Soo'k ~50 of O~eds~ pag¢ ~ Santa Clara Count~ ,~oords. thenc~ along saia' ~ou~he, r~y line North 750 East ~28 fee~' .~o~ o~ Zsaa ,~,=~ .~n u~da:rgro~nd ~ran~'t~ ~on~m~nt at the ~o~th~te~y corn~ of s,,¢id 1,~nds of Bothin. thenc~ .~o~th ~ We~t 1~8 f~et ~ore o'~ l~s to · stone ~on~nt set in the north~rZ~ li~e of $~id lot $ said po'tnt bei.~,,7 on the Section lt~ in the Center of Section 28. T. ~ S.. R. ~ W. ~o~g maid l/~ Seetio~ Zine a~d ~he nort.l~e~ ~ne of ~ .g north 89e 2.1' E~st 999.3~ feet to the nortl~e~ater~t ~orn~r of lot South 0~ ~' ~a~t 40 feet more or l~8 to the sou~hea~terl~4 ~.~ns of said R~o~p~ot Eo~d ~id li~e b,~ing th~ sorTornate l~mlt~ o~ the C~ty of Z~r~to~.~ ~h~n~ ~o~therl~ alon~ ~id ~o~'t.~easterZ:j l~=~e to ~he Roint more or le;a. prepared bH the fir~ of MA CKA~ & SOMPS EXHIBIT