HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 650 WJML :KJmh RESOLUTION NO. 650 ]~ESOLUTIOD~ APPROVING FORM OF RESOLUTIOI,~ OF iI~TENTION AND t~CJUI'IDAPY ]'~D~P AIq'O GRANTING C ON'SENT OF TIradE C I?'Y C OUNC iL OP THE CiTY 'C)F SARATOGA TO C()UI'.~PY SAI'.IITATION DISTRICT NO, 4 OP SANTA CLARA COUDiTY TO UNDERTAI'qE PROCEEDINGS TO CON- STRUCT A SANITARY SEWE~GE PROJECT AND TO PROVIDE TE~T THE COST SNRLL BE ASSESSED ON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSHENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND PROCEEDINGS SANITARY SEWEraGE PROJECT NO. 1972-A~ UNIT NO. 3 RESOLVED} by the City Council of the City of Saratoga, California, that WHERt~\S, County Sanitation District No. ~ of Santa Clara C,ounty, pursuant to Section 10104 of the Streets and Highways Code, has submittaft to this Council for approval a proposed Resolution of tnteP. t~on to form an assessment district, toge'ther with a plat indicat:ing by a boundary line the extent of territory included in the proposed district, in view of the fact that a portion of the " l. arld to be assessed lies within the corporate limits of the City' of Saratofla .~ and '~,iltEREAS~ the public interest and general welfare will be served by undertaking and completing said project; HOW~ THEREFORE., IT IS ORDERED, as follows: !. That the form of Resolution of Intention to form an assess:nent aistrict, submitted by the Board of Directors of said Sanitation Distric~'n and this day presented to this Council, be~ and it is hereby approved. 2~ That the plat indicating by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the proposed assessment district., sut.:,m~tted by said Board and this day presented to this Councii~ be~. and it is hereby approved. 3. That upon approval o:f the legislative bodies of any public ent-ities wj.th jurisdiction sai~ Resolution of Intention may l:le adopted, and said' Board of Directors may thereafter take each and every step required for or suitable for the consummation of the work and the 1.evying~ collection and enforcement of the assessments to cover the expenses thereof and the issuance and enforcement of bonds to represent ua~paid assessments, 4. That consent be, and the same is hereby granted to said Sanitation District to acquire and construct sa~.d sanitary sewer- age system as described in said Resolution, to forIn said assess- ment district and. to make such changes and modifications therein as may be proper or advisable in the manner provided by law. 5. That Cgnsent be, and the same is hereby granted to s:~id Sanitation District to open all such public streets as are re- quired for the installation of said sanitary sewerage system. All work pertaining to said project shall be done under the dire!c-- tion of the District's Engineer and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of this City, and in conformity with good engineer'-. ing practice. Said District Engineer shall require of the con- tractor that all of the provisions of the specifications are complied with by ~the contractor~ to the end that no grea"ber amount of ditches are ope. n at any time than is necessary, that they shall be adequately lighted and barricaded, and that they shall be promptly backfilled, and that the pavement shall be restored with materials of like quality and character as those existing therein at the time of such work and to its former con- dition and state of usefulness as nearly as may be. In this regard, District shall first receive the written approval of the Director of Publj.c Works that all backfi].l and paving com- plies with City requirements prior to final payment to contractor, to which Dist. ri~t agrees by acceptance of the ~ithin consent, this resoD. ution being conditioned upon such agreement by District. 6. That the Director of Public Works be, and he is hereby autb. orized and directed to carry cut the provii'"~ions of this reso-- lu t i on. 7. That the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed ~to file w~.th the Secretary of said District a certified copy of this Resolution. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution d~ly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Saratoga, California, at a meeting thereof held on the __20th . day of December .., 1972, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Councilmen Sm~ih, Dwye~, 8~dges, D~don and Km~e I'{0ES, Counc i. lmen: No~e ABSENT, Co~ncilmen: None Sara toga APPR( VED: May~ 3 Project Designa.tion: SANITARY S~gERAGE PROjE..~CT toY2-~. UNiT ?..lO 3 Date L_November~8, ].972 .Assessment of Fn~ironnen~al Answer ~.bs follo;~n~ ~uesticns by ~laci~E a check .in %he apprc~,fio.%e s~ace. 1. Cot~d %he p~o3ect si~ificamily cb~n~e present ~mses of the project area? 2. Co'a!5. %he- !,~ojent sIf~.f!cantly c>.ange present : "' Y ~3ses cf iani oulnide the p~ojec~ area? 3. C~a!d i.h~ p~ojec'h affect i,he use of a r¢~ea~ional' " area o~ area el-imoo~zn% aes~helic value? Cot[.ld i.he project affect ~he fmnctiejn~ of an es~biished consunity? 5. Co~ilcl the proSec~ restLit. in the displacement c~mur. Lty residents? 6. Are any of the n~tu~l or man-ngc].e features in .. not fo~ in %he projech area unj.oue~ %h~% is~ olh~r Darts of i.he coun%y~ s~%e. ~ 7. Co~d %he pro3ec% significantly affec~ a kno~m : histotaled! ~ archaelo~i~l si~,e or its setting? __'~ : 8. 'Cotd ihs project sig~fi~ntly affect %he poten- tial use~ e~raction~ or consen~-hion of a 's~.rse ~t~ reso~ce? 9. Does %he project area se~e as a ~bi~t, food sm~ce~ nesting p!ace~ so~ce of ~zter, etc. fo~ ~re of endm~ered .~l~ife or fish s~ecies? 10. Co~.d ~he project si~ifi~nily affect fish, ~ife~ or p!an% life? 11.~e ~,here any mre c~ endangered p!an% species in the project area? !2. Could ~he prcjec't change emis%iEg 'features 'of any of the rc.gion's lagoons, bays~ or %idolands? 19.Co~ic]. ihs project change .existin~ fez%~Lres of? any public beaches in %he counl.y? Co%~.d %he project resttit in %he erosion of ou.~side pr~erty? 15. Co~td. ~he project .~e~e to encourage development of presen~'~].y und. evelc!p~!d areas or intensify deTelcpment of a!rend.y developed areas? 16. Wi!]. i.he project require a ~.e.~anca frcm estaB- li~Shecl en~,dronmen~ca! slan. dards (air, water, noise etc. ), and/or adop~,ed 17. Ui!t %he proje~rt r~sg~tdre cs~ificatZon, auI.ho~.- .. e ~/s any s~te za%~.on or issuance ~:~ a ~ ~ by ].c~ or fedc,~l en.~.rcnmen-ka! coni..ro! agency? 18. Ui!I :c.he project re!uiTa ~..ssuance 19. l-lilZ i,he pmoject finvo].ve !he application, 'use~. ~' disposal of haz~r&mm ma-~erias? 20. Ui!! i~he ~rojec~ involve consin~c~,ion of ' faci].~.t~.es in a ~oc.1 plain? Ui!! rl.he 'projec-~ involve coneS,nineS.ion of fs. cl!it, ies in -the area of a kno:.m actlye 22. Com].d ihe cbaDle~el project gene~ti. on of significant amounts of noise? 23. Cetd i~he cons~.ructicn of lhe project rest~ in t. he general, ion ef si~ifi~nt amounts of 2Z~.. Co~d the completed p~oject ~esalt in the ~ . genes. triton of sign~fiant anoun~s of dust? 25. ~li!]. ~he p~oject involve the b~ning of b~sh, Irees.~ consln~c~ai an male~a!s, 25. Co~0..nl the. p~ojecb ~es~t~ in a si~ficant change in the q.uati~y of any psE~ion of the region's ai~ c,~ ~.ai. er ~eso~rces? (Sh~ no~e s~face, ~o~.d ~rale~, offshore. ) 2 Statement of ],to Si~:,~ificant Environmental Effects If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions in Section II, think the project will have no significant en:riro.~_mental effects, indicate you_.v reasons Conclusions Place a check in the ap. prop..~iate box. ~ It has been deteFj...ned thzt the project ~all not have sl[~ificant environmental eftf cots. . en'~ircnn.en~3. effects. Z~n en~lr~ment~ lapact statement VTi~ . be suhitted on (appr~d~.ate date), " :. Di'strict Manager and Engineer = S UP P L EME MTAI, P, E',iA RI'(-B ' 4.The project will provide a public sewer system that will' provide for the abandc. nment of septic tanks now servj. ng the existing res- "ideacos in the project area which should be beneficial to the functioning of the community. 10. Construction of the projects main sewer will: be adjacent to exist- ing trees verF common to the region' and care will be taken to ', protect the siqKnj. ficant plant life during construction. Past experj..ence indicates miniram long range effect on plant life. 20. Some of the main and lateral sewers to be constructed in the project will. be ~,ithin the flood plain of a minor ephemeral stream traversing the area. However, the stream or the sewer should not be significantly affected by this fact. 26. El~ination of septic tanks in the project area as a ~sult of installation of public sewer could have a beneficial effect upon the areas water resources. ,